The white paper, however, omits some key proposals made by Lord Rogers's task force.
Except on compulsory purchase, the white paper is lacking in promises of new legislation.
But the white paper does at least chart a way out of one Whitehall's deepest holes.
The White Paper also repeats the government's aim to reduce substance misuse amongst young people.
Does he meet that definition of a senior operational leader as outlined in the white paper?
Following the white paper, my government will be taking forward proposals for the Food Standards Agency.
The white paper proposes that local authorities should gain some discretion to alter taxes on business.
The white paper's determination to change travel patterns in favour of public transport is being down-played.
Although the white paper is still in its formative stage, some signals are emerging from ministers.
Yet the White Paper is refreshingly short of new ways to spend public money.
The tone of the white paper has been softened following intervention by the prime minister's policy unit.
The white paper is notably vague on how its commitment to simplify compulsory-purchase orders will be achieved.
The White Paper proposed a "welcome change" in the relationship between central and local government, he said.
The white paper is expected to endorse the task force's call for centres of design and architectural excellence.
But the White Paper says it is not the role of government to force people to become healthy.
And the white paper encouraged councils and local health bodies to work together to help people become healthier.
Almost all of the responses in the White Paper have warned of the risks and said: 'Slow down'.
The white paper proposes a number of ways of speeding up the process of dealing with new asylum seekers.
Elsewhere, the White Paper supports development to increase capacity at Belfast International Airport.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Late night Belfast flights plan
The white paper will require local authorities to set targets for improving services.
The white paper's chances of stemming this rise in car use, at least in the short term, are not good.
The Lords envisaged in the white paper will eventually have 600 members, of whom only 120 are to be elected.
The white paper's lack of detail on how future asylum claims are to be dealt with has also been criticised.
However, the white paper was criticised by many Singaporeans and even led to a rare public protest earlier this month.
The white paper offers numerous suggestions for increasing voter participation, ranging from shopping-centre polling stations to increased use of referendums.
The white paper promised new powers to local authorities to charge motorists for the use of roads and workplace parking.
The Welsh affairs select committee began its inquiry after the White Paper "Better Governance for Wales" was published back in June.
He added that the government had consulted widely for the White Paper, but said the RSP had not submitted its views.
The Beijing News notes that progress on environmental protection was an entire chapter for the first time in the white paper.
The white paper will also propose a series of measures such as priority crossings to make walking and cycling safer and easier.