That led to the widespread use of the Sharpe ratio as a measurement tool.
ECONOMIST: Smooth returns can be a sign of danger for investors
These included the widespread use of surrogate local forces and the distribution of patronage.
Some pros, especially from the generation before today's PGA players, seem perplexed by the widespread use of mental coaches.
At India's Occupational Health Institute there's concern about the widespread use of asbestos.
It was the widespread use of the printing press that changed all that.
Among the public, scholars and within the medical profession, a backlash has developed against the widespread use of psychoactive drugs.
And, of course, the widespread use of the Internet and broadband applications--like conference calls with real-time slide shows--spurred that growth.
Until recently another big deterrent to energy investment in South-East Asia was the widespread use of price controls and fuel subsidies.
As one example, Bernard Kent, who heads up PricewaterhouseCoopers' Midwest financial planning practice, questions the widespread use of Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts.
The widespread use of inappropriate assumptions invites an examination of the behavior of various individuals in bringing about the global financial crisis.
The barrier to the widespread use of efficient LEDs for lighting has been the high upfront cost of LED fixtures and bulbs.
Another aspect of golf culture in Europe, the U.K and Australia that promotes faster play is the widespread use of the Stableford format.
WSJ: Golf Journal: Does the Handicap System Need a Makeover?
To stem the widespread use of cheap foreign labour, the government forced companies to fill at least 30% of their positions with Saudis.
It goes without saying that the widespread use of these tax preferences will make it especially hard for Congress to get rid of them.
More rules about bat performance resulted in more workarounds mainly the widespread use of non-aluminum, composite bats that got "springier" with more use after passing initial testing.
In June the U.S. Treasury Department issued a ruling that removes one of the last major hurdles to the widespread use of tax-free Health Savings Accounts.
Since scarcely any electricity is generated in America by burning oil, the widespread use of such vehicles could greatly reduce our dependence on foreign sources of petroleum.
In the case of 77th Street, she says the widespread use of the internet has created a greater pressure on the business to stay ahead of the market.
Herein lies the problem, the widespread use of bandwidth caps in Canada is partially the result of a market defined by vast geographies and a limited population base.
However, the spike in post-diagnosis suicides was observed only in the years before1993, before the widespread use of PSA tests, which are able to detect prostate cancer early.
Also evident is the impact of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the 60s and 70s that witnessed the intensification of farming powered by the widespread use of agrochemicals.
But they are critical to American competitiveness, technological innovation, and global trade because they facilitate manufacturing, speed delivery, and enable the widespread use of countless products and services in the market today.
"Given the widespread use of IT across businesses and the community, the prices paid for hardware and software can have a major commercial and economic impact, " the politician was quoted as saying.
One theory is that a growing mass of particulates, such as coal dust and biomass (from the widespread use of cow dung as fuel, for instance) in the air above India, now hinders rainfall.
Researchers, led by Dr Richard Beasley, of the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, warn the widespread use of computers in so many aspects of modern life may put many people at risk of developing DVT.
Since the end of World War II the widespread use of these powerful sprays almost wiped out bed bugs, but they also took a terrible toll on human health and on species species including eagles and ospreys.
Liquidity has improved, thanks to the widespread use of real-estate investment trusts (REITs). (The American-based National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts commissioned the Ibbotson study.) But the global enthusiasm for REITs, together with the growing trend for property launches in the British mutual-fund sector, has a top-of-the-market feel.
ECONOMIST: Property��s strong run is not represented in portfolios
The growth of road freight and the more widespread use of private vehicles have made transportation the second area of priority for Beijing's energy conservationists.
Even the invention and widespread use of the telescope in the first decade of the 17th century did not radically change man's view of the heavens.