And he can ask the witness to describe as exactly as possible what occurred.
My conscious mind, the witness to this dream-movie, is flummoxed at this detachment.
The officers' prejudice led them to leave Duwayne Brooks, Stephen's friend and the key witness to the crime, "side-lined and ignored".
They went to the Haitian border to witness the treatment of Haitians attempting to get across and get food for their starving families.
Panel member Sir Roderic remarked that the commander was the first witness to suggest that the UK's contribution was "critical" to winning the war.
Evans declined to enter the witness box to give evidence on her own behalf.
"There are different times of the year when you can see meteor showers but August is normally the best time because that's when the skies are clearest, " said a spokesman for the National Trust, which published a guide to the top sites to witness the event in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We have received sanctimonious lectures from the other side of the aisle about the rule of law, but the law does not permit perjury to be proved by the uncorroborated testimony of one witness nor does the law recognizes corroboration, the fact that the witness made the same statement to several different people.
Ms Kelly, who was the first witness to give evidence in the trial, told the jury of the moments just before her son's death on 25 May.
And a Maltese shopkeeper, Tony Gauci, was the only witness to identify Megrahi as the man who he said bought several items of clothing which were later found wrapped around the bomb which destroyed Pan-Am Flight 103.
At one point in the proceedings, when photographs were introduced showing a smiling Mr. Valle with his now-17-month-old daughter, Ms. Mangan-Valle was crying so hard that U.S. District Court Judge Paul Gardephe allowed her to step down from the witness stand to compose herself.
WSJ: Accused Cop's Wife Testifies About Alleged Cannibal Plot
Mr. McNamee is crucial to the prosecution because he is the only witness to say he has firsthand knowledge of Mr. Clemens's alleged drug-taking.
In fall 1995, Mr. Clinton again traveled to the Middle East to witness the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty.
This home-turned-museum, known as La Casa Azul, is where Frida Kahlo was born, began to paint and died, making the house a witness to one of the most important artistic lives in Mexican history.
The only other witness to the murder described the killer as 6 inches taller and with a darker complexion than Mr. Lopez.
And in the days after it did, this nation and all the world bore witness to the fact that the damage from Katrina was not caused just by a disaster of nature, but also by a breakdown of government -- (applause) -- the government wasn't adequately prepared and we didn't adequately respond.
At sentencing, it is common for defense counsel and judges alike to invoke the passage of time and intervening efforts by the cooperating witness to acknowledge his or her wrongdoing as factors in favor of a reduced sentence.
FORBES: The Ghosts of Prosecutions Past: Cooperating Defendants and the Ravages of Time
This suggests that after an unsuccessful social confrontation with the transgressor, the witness prefers to report to an employee in a position of power above the transgressor.
With his camera, he bears witness to the bearing of witness and, revisiting the sites of the unfathomable horror, depicts, to the limits of consciousness, the experience of life in the presence of death.
In the weeks after Mr. Lopez's conviction but before he was sentenced, an inmate housed at Rikers Island with the witness wrote to prosecutors telling them that she said she lied when she testified that Mr. Lopez was the killer.
Rule 603 states that the oath is 'calculated to awaken the witness' conscience and impress the witness' mind with the duty' to tell the truth.
Judge Oscar Magi ruled Berlusconi's testimony is admissible at the trial, essentially giving defense attorneys the right to call the premier to the witness stand, said the court official, who was not authorized to speak with the media.
Hundreds of people who gathered on the Isles of Scilly were the first to witness the eclipse.
Overnight camping at Caracol will be allowed for the first time, allowing winter solstice campers the chance to witness the sun rise on a new B'ak'tun (or cycle) from a very historical spot.
The phrase is a technical term that essentially allows a French magistrate to continue to call the ex-president to the witness stand.
The primary question is whether video is the superior witness to human observation.
And this is an amazing opportunity to be there in the flesh to bear witness to a historical moment.
The BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo says the massive crowds bear witness to the huge love and respect for Pope Shenouda.
Rather than blunting her credibility, the witness stressed to jurors that Stacy Peterson seemed to truly believe her husband killed Savio.
Testimony before a federal grand jury is given under oath, with the witness swearing to 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.