And the working class job of tomorrow is going to be a digital job.
The experience of Manchester workers inspired his book The Condition of the Working Class in England.
How does raising tax rates on the affluent (and rich) hurt the working class?
Barry McKay, described Hull as down to earth, a defender of the "underprivileged, the misunderstood and the working class".
The investor class benefiting from the flat compensation of the working class.
But can the same be said for the working class and the poor?
Such policies helped win Thatcher support across Wales, including amongst members of the working class who had previously voted Labour.
For some in the working class here--the random cab driver, small-time actor, bellhop--Slim's fat-cat wealth is reason enough for suspicion.
Experian asked people in a number of different jobs to place themselves in the working class or the middle class.
In 1859, the first political party dedicated to the working class, the Political Labour League of Victoria, was founded in Melbourne.
If only Bevan had been prime minister he said he would have brought to the nation "all the energies buried in the working class".
Casually, the movie chronicles the end of the rigid British class system and the liberation of the working class through popular entertainment.
The working class soon got in on it, too, realising that a hearty breakfast was a good way to start a day of energy-sapping labour.
BBC: Does England make the world��s most delicious breakfast?
Some see the flat attendance figures as evidence that the slow economic recovery has yet to make its way to the working class.
The Front's core issues - immigration, crime, de-industrialisation - resonate less there than in the working class suburbs of northern, southern and eastern cities.
Yet market advocates lose the force of their pro-liberty message when they characterize the working class as free-riding on the backs of the rich.
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Most were Democrats because it was the party of the working class and the party that could get you a city or other government job.
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The working class became the underclass, and their problems became inevitable.
"Sinn Fein have looked after their communities, the working class Catholic communities, the SDLP have looked after their communities and the middle class Catholics, " he said.
The Dong Xuan Center is an Asian market on an industrial scale, housed in a series of vast warehouses in the working class neighbourhood of Lichtenberg.
That rule is being relaxed on wealthier families, but remains in tact for the working class who are migrating to Beijing and Shanghai in search of employment.
If asking a millionaire to pay the same tax rate as a plumber makes me a class warrior, a warrior for the working class, I will accept that.
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Trade unionists in the Obama campaign know better than anyone that their candidate is not an easy sell with the working class, including some of their own members.
If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor.
WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House
The working class voters helped Clinton score a big win in Pennsylvania last week, and they'll play a key role in Indiana and North Carolina, which hold their contests Tuesday.
This will demonstrate to middle income voters that true, free-market principles can, indeed, work for the working class, and that they are willing to fight for these principles regardless of class concerns.
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In this satirical essay, Swift criticizes the relationship between landowner and peasant, the attitude toward the working class of the time, and even some behaviors of the people for whom he was fighting.
FORBES: Swift's Psalmanazar: When 'Titillating' Means More Than 'True'
The Reagan Democrats were blue-collar voters who crossed party lines in the early 1980s to support Ronald Reagan, a Republican, because they thought he would do a better job protecting the working class.
The waning of the manufacturing jobs that used to be the mainstay of the working class has created a generation of young males, in particular, who don't know what to do with themselves.
Sociological explanations about the decline of the working class do not quite suffice: newspapers can reinvent themselves, as the Daily Mail did in the 1970s, when it turned itself into the middle-class women's paper.