Mr. Zoellick is a former president of the World Bank Group, U.S. trade representative and deputy secretary of state.
The World Bank Group reports that more than 100 million primary school age children around the world remain out of school.
"We at the World Bank Group are working with our development partners to identify and leverage the funds needed to invest in infrastructure, and these conversations are continuing, " he said.
The success of Africa's telecom industry, said Mohsen Khalil, Director of Global ICT at the World Bank Group, had shown investors that in Africa they could "contribute to development and still make money".
Branko Milanovic, lead economist for the World Bank research group, sent me this comparative analysis based on household income or consumption surveys worldwide, adjusted for purchasing power differences.
But the Development Research Group at the World Bank has a different take.
By 2030, the World Bank forecasts, this same group will account for 8.9% of the population and 7.7% of global income.
Peter Chowla, a co-ordinator at the Bretton Woods Project, a campaign group set up to monitor the World Bank.
"I've urged the World Bank president that the global infrastructure facility should be set up as early as possible because countries like India require a large amount of finances for infrastructure, " Mr. Chidambaram said in an interview on the sidelines of meetings of the Group of 20 leading economies, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
In letters delivered to the finance ministers of the Group of Seven countries, the principal Latin American debtor nations, the IMF and the World Bank, the Center calls attention to the growing inequities in the industrialized West's approach to funding Mr. Gorbachev's perestroika and the financial requirements of the flegling democratic governments of Latin America.
Plus numerous articles, working papers from the World Bank, IMF, McKinsey, AT Kearney, Boston Consulting Group and Chinese academics.
No wonder this nebbishy Master of the Universe is smiling: Lloyd Blankfein, 52, has spent seven months now as chief executive of Goldman Sachs Group, the richest, shrewdest and most powerful investment bank in the world.
The World Bank's in-house "watchdog, " an entity called the Independent Evaluation Group, recently lambasted Doing Business, claiming that there was no significant relationship between the publication's indicators and economic growth rates, even though the countries with the lowest rankings usually have the worst long-term records for economic growth.
HSBC, says his bank needed a group with a broad reach to cater to customers all over the world, who range from individuals to huge corporations.