Now the International Energy Agency (IEA WorldEnergyOutlook 2012) joins a growing chorus of forecasters that have noticed the tech-driven hydrocarbon revolution that is under way in America.
The International Energy Agency has today published its WorldEnergyOutlook and, according to the IEA, the United States is on track to become the number one oil producer in theworld by 2020.
The IEA states in its most recent WorldEnergyOutlook that there are many sources of uncertainty surrounding future oil supplies, but the size of the resource base is not one of them.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published its annual WorldEnergyOutlook, and it's hard to think of any time when there's been more change under way.
In its new International EnergyOutlook 2011, the EIA reports that throughout theworld, energy consumption is expected to rise by 53 percent from 2008 through 2035 driven by robust economic growth and expanding populations in the developing countries.