The National Mall, the Statue of Liberty and Yellowstone National Park will be affected, according to John Garder, budget and appropriations legislative representative for the National Parks Conservation Association.
Environmentalists were supposed to have their day in court in May to appeal the 1997 ruling by Wyoming District Court Judge William Downes that said the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park was a violation of the Endangered Species Act.
In Greater Yellowstone, for example, Predator Project found that more than two-thirds (22 out of 30) of the human-caused mortalities of the Yellowstone wolves have occurred outside of the national park, even though the wolves have spent the majority of their lives within the park's borders.
In 1995, the federal government approved the re-introduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park, just north of the Tetons and Jackson Hole.
Ragnarsson says it would be like asking Americans to exploit the hot springs in Yellowstone National Park.
The ranch sits in Paradise Valley, by the northern entrance to Yellowstone National Park, and borders public land.
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He's now an interpretative ranger in the Eastern District of Yellowstone National Park.
Even as many Republicans attack the administration for choices such as ending White House tours or canceling early snow removal from Yellowstone National Park, Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee in particular fear that giving Obama greater flexibility would erode Congress' control over the federal purse, which is enshrined in the Constitution and zealously guarded.
The mention of "Black Saturday" at Yellowstone National Park brings back memories of Aug. 20, 1988, when immense fires swept across the park, burning more than 150, 000 acres.
Predator Project found that wolves rarely survive outside of the three core recovery areas: Yellowstone National Park, central Idaho and Northwest Montana.
But, as I'm learning on this three-day pack trip into northwest Yellowstone National Park, the opposite is true: I have no idea how to ride.
Diversa is perhaps best known for having contracted with Yellowstone National Park to plumb the DNA of the microorganisms that live in geologic formations there.
London (CNN) -- Coal slag heaps up to 450-feet high may not seem the obvious candidates to join a list that includes the pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, and Yellowstone National Park.
And local government officials and business leaders in Cody, Wyoming, said Yellowstone National Park will delay the opening of its North and West entrances by a week until April 26, and its East, South and Northeast entrances by two weeks until mid-to-late May due to the impact budget cuts will have on snow removal.
The situation is analogous to fire management in Yellowstone National Park.
In 1995, the first batch of gray wolves was reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park as part of a controversial reintroduction program.
Approaching Yellowstone National Park, I can understand the scepticism.
Using a combination of radio-tags and direct observations, the researchers analysed 94 wolves as they hunted elk in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.
He was visiting Yellowstone National Park in 1998 and, standing in the crowd of people waiting to shoot Old Faithful, realized that a startling number of them were using digital cameras.
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The appeal of a court decision to remove reintroduced gray wolves from Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho, postponed because of illness, has be rescheduled for July 29.
The Post interviewed Beijing resident Guo Hui who just spent two weeks touring Yellowstone National Park, Houston and Los Angeles.
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In the 1990s, 14 wolves from Canada quickly reproduced after they were released in Yellowstone National Park in north-west Wyoming.
Consider that Big Sky and Moonlight Basin -- about an hour's drive from Bozeman (and an hour's drive from Yellowstone National Park) -- have more terrain than Vail but less than half the skiers.
In the spring of 1996, motorists noticed a convoy of 15 Mercedes-Benz cars on Highway 191 north of Yellowstone National Park.