Mrs Youngman said a recent scorching hot summer led to the young of one colony emerging onto a sticky felt roof where many of them became stuck and perished.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | Baby bats hit by cold, wet summer
Mr. Joseph Harvey is 105, and Ms. Mabel Harvey here is the spry young one at 102. (Laughter.) And Ms. Harvey just now was whispering in my ear, as you guys were walking in, that this must be the Lord's doing, because we've come a mighty long way. (Laughter.) That's what she said.
The father of one of the young men has sent pit-bull detectives to dig up dirt on Copeland to cool his prosecutorial ardor.
President Obama cannot, on his own, reverse this course, but he can do much more than he has to disrupt the flow of the one in three young black men who are headed to prison.
In the real world, the job was a lot more mundane, but it was still virtually the only one a young woman could choose that offered the chance to travel.
Let us hope, then, that 2013 will unveil a new book about the young, but one that halts the creep of adolescence into adulthood.
He's worked since the day Barack started running, he's keeping young people focused, he is one of the smartest young artists that we know out there.
At the One Young World Summit in October he told delegates about the screen in his office that carried a rolling Twitter feed of tweets about Barclays.
The campaign includes an ongoing world tour where the young watchmakers give one-on-one workshops to watch connoisseurs and guests for insight on watchmaking and how complicated timepieces are built.
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Smoking has in general been on the decline in France, but recent statistics show it is becoming popular again, especially among the young, where one half of 18 to 34 year olds have begun lighting up.
On the Upper West Side of Manhattan, in the mid afternoon, one young couple strolled through the mist.
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This buy marks the first one filed by Young in the past year.
The countryside is becoming a place for the very old or the very young, and no one in the Tang family wants their children to grow up to be farmers.
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, whose department will be defending the action in the High Court, was one of the young MPs who expressed his outrage at the eviction when the story came to light in 1975.
Dr. Markert says that many of the sixty procedures similar to the one needed by young Seth have been paid for by various state Medicaid programs.
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It is quite remarkable then that the country is one of the rising young powers of world cricket.
The department employed two people from the States skills register and one young person through the Advance to Work scheme.
At one point or another, the modern young woman has wished she had one of them as her college roommate or coworker in the next cubicle over.
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Drexler tells the story of one young woman who participated in her research project and felt tempted to backstab the boss who was undermining her.
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In the end there are two lists: one for the young guard, another for the rest.
Regardless of how it happened, the devastation of the Great Chicago Fire quickly turned into one of the young city's great blessings, as the moment in history and the location at the heart of a growing industrial nation ensured that Chicago would not merely be rebuilt.
Just how bad is it for Scotland's young people, as the UK total of young people seeking work accelerates through the one million mark?
He rose to fame as the charismatic young co-founder of one of the first personal computer companies, Apple.
There are those moments, though, that the New York Yankees' manager has to remind himself the Japanese ace is not one of the many young faces in his clubhouse.
While Affleck has taken a circuitous route through Hollywood, which included some questionable action movies and a romantic media sensation dubbed Bennifer that led to Gigli and Jersey Girl, the actor has emerged as one of the best young directors in Hollywood today.
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The current number one rated soap, The Young and the Restless, averaged a 3.5 in the ratings for the 2011-2012 TV season.
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She is, after all, on an important life mission: catching the eye of one of the hundreds of young Gypsy guys prowling around what locals have dubbed the "bridal market" to initiate a complex ritual of haggling that could lead to marriage.
The Republican plan should seek to repair what is wrong with the health care law but deal respectfully with popular provisions, such as the one that allows young adults to stay on their parents' plans into their mid-20s.
The story is incredibly disheartening: only one of the three young women he follows is still working to get a degree.
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