Atwater, the younger sister of the children on the phone long ago.
After the death of his wife, Elizabeth, Edwards is the primary caregiver for the two younger children.
They found that the younger children were asleep on average an hour earlier than the older children.
Based on the principles developed in Raploch, the organisation hopes to start with young children in the local primary and nursery schools and build and expand the orchestral programme as the children grow and younger age groups are brought into the programme.
She says the way schools are organised means the younger children appear to be struggling when in fact they are where they should be for their age.
Under police protection in their own home, the parents tried to explain to the younger children what was going on, all while seeing "their fear growing, " Phil Tingirides said.
During the ceremony Mrs Bell also remembered the three younger children, who were students of Braintcroft Primary School.
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So that night I slept for safety in the church, then I escaped the next day on foot - I walked with my younger children all the way to Ethiopia.
The younger children at Salaam Baalak Trust perform for the tourists.
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Gisma joined a bedraggled crowd slumped on the dry earth outside a straw hut where South Sudanese officials registered each new arrival and weighed the younger children - some with distended bellies and painfully thin limbs.
The WIC program, which covers 45 percent of infants across the country and more than 5 million children younger than 5, is "the single largest point of access to health services for low-income preschool children who are at the highest risk for low vaccination coverage, " according to the administration.
Older high school students often help tutor or run activities for the younger children, and several members have come back to work for the organization after completing high school and college.
But now, according to the Wall Street Journal, the social network is working on a way to allow younger children to gain access to the site with parental supervision.
FORBES: Hook 'Em While They're Young: Facebook May Target Kids
The changes would mean younger children spending about two more hours in school daily and the oldest children three more hours, he said.
Some parents in that study would read the instruction not to give the medications to children younger than 4 and simply make up their own dose.
Separately, The Wall Street Journal reported that the company is developing technology that would allow children younger than 13 years old to use the social-networking site under parental supervision.
There is also an obvious generational gap in energy levels: whereas 70% of the grandparents were over 50 years old, the study found, 70% of the children were 11 or younger.
Second, the younger children's stylishly gigantic clothing is suitable for young adult siblings who prefer snugger fits.
Granted, if you have four kids, such as myself, you can get away somewhat with handing down equipment to the younger children.
"The younger children in a grade were significantly more likely to be diagnosed, labeled, and treated with medication for what in some of them must simply be immaturity, " Garland says.
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD
Later, a recording of the emergency call made by Caroline from the family's Lammy Crescent home in Omagh, showed how she tried desperately to get help and told one of the younger children to run.
The witty book took the overall prize, while author and Children's Laureate Jacqueline Wilson took the younger reader's award for her book Best Friends.
BBC: It is the only book award voted for entirely by children
The ASA noted that the advert for the 18 certificate movie was not allowed to be screened when younger children were likely to be watching.
Jacob (2003) found that moving due to the demolition of public housing buildings had no impact on the academic achievement of younger children on a variety of outcome measures, including test scores, grades and retention.
And it could point the way to determining if younger siblings of children with autism are likely to develop the same condition themselves.
It said a special 'kids' zone' would be created at the Big Fish at Donegall Quay to allow toddlers and younger children to soak up the atmosphere away from the crowds.
The report surveyed 1, 473 adults with children 10 and younger in the home.
WSJ: How Much Sleep Do Children and Teenagers Need? Grown-Up Problems Start at Bedtime
The decision to pay students to take tests could bolster the complaints of parents of younger children who still must work on trial questions without compensation.
WSJ: Test Maker Pays New York State Students to Take a Trial Exam
The expansion has occurred even as city families shrank: The number of children 14 years old or younger fell by nearly 11% between 2000 and 2010, according to the U.S. Census.