It would replace Theatre Elli - Llanelli's existing council run theatre and cinema complex.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Theatre plan for demolition site
November 1958: The Lord Chamberlain's ban on plays with homosexual themes is lifted, allowing representation in theatre and cinema.
While it was not officially declared a day of mourning, the Saturday of the funeral brought the UK close to standstill as shops and banks closed, sports events were postponed, and theatre and cinema showings cancelled.
The experience of working with Meyerhold had decisively shaped Eisenstein's own artistic ideas, convincing him that theatre and cinema should take their place among the modern, and indeed the avant-garde arts, whose stagecraft and visual design needed to break decisively with 19th-century realism.
Companies offer a variety of services, including sports results, news and weather, cinema and theatre reviews, traffic updates and flirting.
On Friday, after visiting Moscow's famed Bolshoi Theatre and the Illuzion cinema, Mr Depardieu said he was very familiar with Russian culture.
The theatre, cinema and music industries are all focused on this level.
In Hackney -- voted Britain's worst place to live by Channel 4 in 2006 -- a recently refurbished theatre and new boutique cinema flourish alongside the Vietnamese restaurants dotting Mare Street, just hundreds of feet from an area previously known as Murder Mile for a string of gangland killings which took place around 2000.
Others sites will offer pay-per-play classic games such as Asteroids and Pac Man, and others will offer cinema and theatre tickets or ring tones and icons.
Situated in what used to be East Berlin, when the city was divided by the wall, the building stretches over 1250sq m (13, 455sq ft) and houses a theatre, cinema, restaurant, as well as a maze of galleries and workshop areas.
"We'd like to see film and drama students use it and have a theatre there along with a cinema for cinematic and animation training, " the 32-year-old added.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Appeal to save old music hall
Brampton Little Theatre was built sometime after World War II and was initially used as a cinema for the servicemen and women, before becoming a theatre.
The main areas people are cutting back are eating out, going to the cinema, theatre and other entertainment.
BBC: Newsbeat - The P Word - Fuel cost causes driver cutbacks
The Odeon opened as the New Victoria cinema and theatre in 1930 and closed in 2000.
BBC: Regeneration plan for Bradford includes 3,500 new homes
The Odeon originally opened as the New Victoria cinema and theatre in 1930 and closed in 2000.
The Odeon originally opened as the New Victoria cinema and theatre in 1930 and closed in 2000, since when it has remained empty.
The 312-seat Berry Theatre, built in the grounds of Wildern School, Hedge End, also has a cinema screen and resident youth theatre.
"In the heyday of cinema, in the 20s and 30s, every large cinema would have a theatre organ either a Wurlitzer or probably more commonly a Compton, which was a British firm, " added Mr Latimer.
If opera fails as live theatre, people will stop coming, and cinema receipts will never make up the difference.
Beyond the records themselves, Bowie's restless eye for new stimuli, drawn from the worlds of cinema, theatre, fashion and visual art, made him pop's most imaginative stylist.
The town council donated 220 cinema seats and catering equipment to the theatre from Bournemouth's IMAX building which is currently being demolished on the seafront.
Built as a chapel in 1766, the building was altered to be used as a cinema in 1924 and was converted into a theatre in 1931.
It allows sound designers and mixers a new level of creative control and ensures that cinema audiences will experience the full impact of their mix regardless of theatre configuration.
ENGADGET: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey to receive the Dolby Atmos treatment
As a result, British cinema was always the Cinderella of the arts the poor relation of theatre, literature and television.
Mr Graham said there were also plans to build a 100-seat cinema, modelled on Shrewsbury's Old Market Hall, and a 400-seat theatre.
Ms Volochkova, who used to enjoy the spotlight as a former Bolshoi Theatre prima ballerina, joined Russia's ruling party in 2003 along with a host of cinema, sports and showbusiness celebrities.