Even the Muslim Brothers look as if they will opt for civil society rather than theocracy.
He had replaced a tottering theocracy with a hereditary monarchy, though Buddhism remained the national faith.
Now, again, with the deteriorating regime, this situation threatens that Egypt will move from an authoritarian regime into a theocracy.
Today's modern state is far larger than historic Montenegro, which for centuries was ruled as a theocracy by a prince-bishop.
That is, it is the concept held most dear by those Americans who support a secular democracy, rather than an Islamic theocracy.
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Some academics in the West went so far as to see in Iran a model of how theocracy and democracy might co-exist in a single state.
He is the kind of cleric the West longs for, because of his assurances that there is no conflict with democratic rule and no need for theocracy.
The war Mr Hussein launched in 1980 to bleed the Iranian revolution, an upheaval that had rattled his secular regime by creating the first-ever Shia theocracy, cost 1m lives.
Most of the skepticism over Iranian involvement with al-Qaeda has centered around the fact that Iran is ruled by a Shia Islamic theocracy, whereas al-Qaeda is a Sunni Wahhabi Islamic group.
Lula, who during the Brazilian dictatorship of the 1970's, wished that the international community would speak against it, showed little sensitivity towards the people of Iran who courageously confronted a highly repressive theocracy.
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As anxiety over (real or imaginary) Muslim demands for sharia turns into a broader worry about theocracy and religious exceptionalism, many democracies are seeing bizarre multi-polar disputes between secularists, Christians, Muslims and other faiths.
ECONOMIST: Faith, law and democracy: Defining the limits of exceptionalism | The
By looking at many different forms of theocracy and Caesaropapism, she hopes to create a context that renders comprehensible the emergence of Jesus of Nazareth as a preacher in villages in Galilee, the wildfire spread of Christianity, and its adoption as the official religion by the Roman empire.
You may be completely right in your interpretation of the Christian Bible but America is not a theocracy and neither the Legislature nor the Courts can base their legislation or their rulings on stories from the Bible anymore than they can base them on the various books that other religions contend state the holy and inerrant truth.
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