Then he read a passage from Scottish theologian Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest.
"Five hundred years from now, it won't be Hitler we remember, " says theologian Martin Marty.
Jesuit theologian Thomas Reese told the BBC he expected a protracted conclave that could produce a surprise.
This is not to say that Cardinal Bergoglio was in any sense a liberation theologian, let alone a Marxist.
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Jamileh Kadivar, the sister of a jailed reform-minded theologian, Mohsen Kadivar, came second.
His adult daughter and Glazer will be among the guests, and he will discuss the Bible with an eminent theologian.
French philosopher and theologian, Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was one of the most important intellectuals and scholars of the twentieth century.
For a theologian who for decades had worked toward reconciliation between Catholics and Jews, the outrage was fierce and painful.
On a more intellectual level, Benedict the theologian has long displayed an acute analysis of Western civilisation's crisis of confidence.
BBC: Pope Benedict XVI will step down at the end of the month
Khomeini, after all, was a theologian of repute, indeed an Object of Emulation, the highest rank for a Shia cleric.
Cuban-American theologian Miguel Diaz, the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican from 2009 to 2012, said Wednesday's breakthroughs represent both a personal and professional triumph.
They carried on supporting Mr Montazeri, Iran's most respected theologian, even when he was passed over for the job of supreme leader.
Lord Harries of Pentregarth, former Bishop of Oxford and a leading theologian, said Welsh Anglican leaders should now "have a go again".
As the son of a Protestant theologian, I happen to be deeply versed in the theory and practice of wearing hair shirts.
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The questions inevitably turned to gene patents, and a Catholic priest and theologian told the meeting it was immoral to patent human genes.
In the middle ages, philandering, theologian wanna-be Augstine of Hippo, as he would come to be known, was into wine, women and song.
The man who for three decades has been the Church's top theologian will be living in a former convent a garden lane from St.
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For others (David Brooks, in the New York Times), there were echoes of Reinhold Niebuhr, a theologian with a gloomy view of human nature.
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Haught is a Catholic theologian at Georgetown who has long argued that Catholic theology needs to renew itself based on a serious appraisal of evolution.
To interfere would be out of character, so it seems likely that this careful theologian and prototypical company man will go gently into that good night.
One is Leo Scheffczyk, an aged theologian from Munich, the other, Walter Kaspar, at present number two in the Vatican department which deals with the separated Christian Churches.
Vatican watcher Austen Ivereigh said that if Wednesday brought white smoke, the new Pope would likely be Cardinal Angelo Scola, a 71-year-old Italian theologian widely regarded as a safe pair of hands.
BBC: Pope conclave: Ponchos and prayers on St Peter's Square
He has led workshops in leadership and organizational development for business and healthcare leaders as well as more common fare for a theologian covering biblical studies, spirituality, mysticism, and ministry for churches, religious communities, clergy, hospitals and chaplains.
The long-time theologian is expected eventually to retire to a monastery on a hill inside Vatican City, with officials saying he will not be able intervene publicly in the papacy of his successor, though he may offer advice.
The pope's brother, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger, told reporters in Germany on Tuesday that Benedict was planning to stay out of the public eye and will probably even stop writing one of the favorite pursuits of the brainy theologian.