Mortgages and particularly mortgage securities could not be sold if there were no buyers.
The recent decline in gasoline consumption is my first example that there is hope.
There are many, but not enough, people in this country who have similar behavior practices.
The enemy is there with their horses and camels, they are there every day.
Lucky for the laggards, there are some advantages to having waited before jumping online.
But there was no sense of surrender about the manner in which he played here.
There are also a handful of small plates like the stand-out braised pork belly with cider.
She told the court when she tried to contact her again, there was no reply.
BBC: Emily Longley trial: Friend calls defendant 'obsessive'
"There is a public policy issue here that has to be debated, " he said.
Mr. TAYLOR: (Singing) There were times that I thought that I wouldn't last too long.
There are others apart from the British who insist the project needs far-reaching reform.
There was more riding on this weekend's speeches than on a typical stump speech.
There would be similar arrangements cropping up in asset management in future, he added.
The St Andrews and Aberdeen offers showed there was "more funding available", she added.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Universities pledge new pay offer
Advance tickets are cheaper but there is no solid data on the cost or number sold.
There was no indication that he was going to vote for us as a first-preference.
BBC: World Cup vote - FA's Alex Horne calls for Fifa changes
Not true if you owned Microsoft or Pfizer, where there are really no takeover prospects.
There will be a section for events, such as the summer Olympics and the World Cup.
Yet still there is much of value in the story told in Towers of Gold.
"There would be no question of selling a Turner to buy a Hirst, " Sir Nicholas added.
Only when the shareholder actually sells his own shares is there a taxable event.
There have been signs lately that foreign investors are losing their appetite for Japanese equities.
While there is demand for more baseball, team owners siphon off supply to maximize profit.
There were no plans, he said, to extend the life of old coal power stations.
There's not a grandma, granny, or Meema(ph) in sight, not even a big mama.
What has surprised me though is that there are so many others out there like her.
There are also shops selling local foodstuffs, including the beverages of local cider producer Pedneault.
Some people have complained there have been too few police to deal with the violence.
On top of that, there would be medical costs involved in procuring the egg.
"With every new technology there are upsides, but there are also risks, " he says.