There are old speaking tubes from pre-electricity days and sleeping porches, which were once used in warmer months before air conditioning was the norm.
Of course, like establishments throughout much of the country, there are old portraits of Thailand's king, who has been on the throne since 1946.
There are old-fashioned Chinese medicine herbalists, traditional foodstuff vendors selling seaweed and glazed crickets by the handful, and more than a few shops hawking aka-pantsu -- bright red, high-waisted underwear believed to ward off evil and bring the wearer strength and vitality.
At the same time, there are not enough old, white Americans in Republican ranks, because there are not enough old, white Americans in America, because the electorate has changed and is changing at an astonishing rate, and relying on those white votes will no longer do.
Opinions vary and there are many old wives tales about what triggers an audit.
There are several old friends who I now like a lot less because they sort of suck at Facebook.
"There are some old ideas that the entertainment industry has about how to protect their intellectual property, " said Mr Moore.
There are no old-school stockbrokers left at the major firms and very, very few at the regional and local ones.
There are many old wives tales about what triggers an audit: home office deductions, passive losses, schedule C (sole proprietorship) activities, etc.
FORBES: Shhh, Home Office And Other IRS Audit Trigger Secrets
Yes, there are still old-fashioned people like me in America who shop at brick and mortar stores, and believe that as good citizens paying sales tax is fine.
There are still old school epicurean gathering spots that double as focal points for the city's iconic neighbourhoods, but even these places have largely modernized to accommodate the tastes of folks who enjoy slow food and quality booze.
There are obviously some redneck, old-boy types down there, but there are a lot of very thoughtful, rational people in the membership and they feel as strongly as I do.
There are disproportionately more old people depending upon a smaller generation behind them.
Are there any old films that you think deserve a sequel?
FORBES: Please Hollywood, 'Casablanca' Does Not Need A Sequel
But I like to feel that there are adults and old people and young people all, you know able to read the book and enjoy the story.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Philip Pullman
Heck, we even get a watered down version of Netflix, which means there are plenty of old movies but not enough of the new and cool TV shows.
Next, all-in-ones, the evolution of traditional desktops. 80% of homes have desktops. 200 million desktops out there are four years old or older. 88% of homes with desktops use them every single day.
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The truest answer to your question is that there are as many reasons for a 12-year-old to be depressed as there are 12-year-olds, but that doesn't do you much good, so let me try to give you a little sense of what science has taught us in general about depression in kids.
There are good reasons for thinking that old patterns are about to change and that the current recession-driven downturn in the demand for Western graduates will morph into something structural.
ECONOMIST: A university degree no longer confers financial security
There are even dozens of old Volkswagen vans, some of which have been converted into mobile bars.
It also means that there are a lot of old DS consoles lying around, not being played with anymore.
FORBES: Study: Apple Now Has Nearly As Many Portable Gamers As Nintendo
"It's a brand new company but there are elements of the old debt that I feel that I want to honour, " he said.
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There are plans for converting old furrow irrigation schemes to sprinklers.
"I have vast experience and I will put that into practice in Barcelona as I hope to show a few people there are life in these old legs yet!"
There are murders and attempted murders, and old and new crimes are intriguingly connected.
There are 120-year-old houses in the area where he lives that have survived other bad storms.
However, there are few programs to help them when they are too old to receive therapies through the educational system.