However there is a way out of all this Alan, you'll be glad to hear.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Alan Milburn
John Searle has long argued that there is a way out of this dilemma, but some philosophers are not so sure.
There is a way out, of course: it is called private education.
ECONOMIST: Education in Vermont: Robin Hood rides again | The
President Barack Obama says there is a way out of the mess, and he is clear it is not House Speaker John Boehner's proposal.
There is a way out of the Valley of Death, however, but it will require both human doctors and technology to approach the problem differently.
And at the end of the day, if there is a way out of this global unemployment conundrum, I assure you that most likely we will have to work to find it.
"There is a way out if people of good will will sit down and try to work toward a reasonable compromise, and yet I see the extremes having, on both sides, an enormous influence over this process, " Sen.
"If there is one thing that we pray will come from this, it is that her beautiful face and tragic story will inspire others to seek help and make them realize that this kind of vile treatment, no matter what culture or background they are from, is not acceptable and there is a way out, " Powner said in a statement to reporters.
Is there a way out of this bind for investors who need to build wealth for retirement or other worthy causes?
There is a way to get the information out to satisfy the general public.
BBC: MPs expenses: Row over disclosure of MPs' letting details
But just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, there turn out to be two ways to avoid a bat.
There is, by the way, a possible out from this argument in the case of high-skill immigrants.
But deportation is way out there as a remedy for media advocacy.
"This is a wake up call to the region that there is no easy way out, " said Rob Masonis, Northwest director for American Rivers.
Rich or middle class, there is a way to protect capital and not lose out on the upside in this current, lackluster environment.
FORBES: Where Wealth Managers Should Position Heading Into 2013
Turns out, maybe there is a way to unravel the matrix (if there is one).
ENGADGET: Alt-week 10.13.12: is the Universe a simulation, cloning dinosaurs and singing mice
It turns out there is a very practical way in which being positive helps you live longer and better.
FORBES: Yes, You Can Think Your Way To A Better, Longer Life!
There is a sense in which it worked out that way, but the original assessment seems like just a blunder.
There is no way I can earn a living when I get out, he says.
If there is a No vote, Greece could be on the way out of the eurozone, and a disorderly default may follow.
While there is still a long way to go, the report points out that the companies are also showing positive signs of financial performance.
With the thousands of information sources available to investors, you may have wondered whether there is a way to analyze it all and help you figure out what stock to buy that will make you money tomorrow.
FORBES: Can Sentigo's Wall St. Scanner Make You a Better Investor?
In testimony before the House Budget Committee Feb. 9, 2011, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke blew the whistle on these projections when he endorsed large spending reductions and fessed up that unless Congress cuts spending dramatically there is no way to grow our way out of a looming fiscal crisis of the welfare state.
That is if you look out a window there it is: the country lives, exists, and even in its own way flourishes.
Indeed, the way addresses are doled out means that there is already a shortage.
ECONOMIST: REPORT: DATA NETWORKS: Upgrading the Internet | The
But I understand there is a possibility it will get out of the business in an orderly way, after the new chief executive, Euan Sutherland, has had a chance to review it.
There is a 3% front-end load and .75% on the way out and expenses run 1.29% of assets.
"It's the easy way out, " Panetta said, adding that there is a price to be paid for such an approach.