Those are the kinds of investments that make a company like Electra Therm possible.
WHITEHOUSE: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall
During the cold weather last week, gas prices in the UK reached an exceptionally high peak of 58 pence per therm, compared to the more usual level of 20 pence per therm.
BBC: Gas prices worry UK industry
First of all, I want to thank Electra Therm for hosting us, and John Fox, the CEO of Electra Therm, is here. (Applause.) Stephen Olson, the president and CFO of Electra Therm.
WHITEHOUSE: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall
Now, the question for Electra Therm is -- or any of these companies that are innovating -- is, is there enough demand out there that they can start building to scale, they can start making the capital investments that allow them to catch up with these older ways of producing electricity that had a 50-year head start?
WHITEHOUSE: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall