The administrators said they hope to sell most of the business as a going concern.
They did not recognize that mortgages and related securities were a distinct asset class.
They do not want to risk the relative performance rank they achieved on the downside.
They came to monitor a ceasefire agreement which both the rebels and the government were violating.
The enemy is there with their horses and camels, they are there every day.
They were fleeing an attack by the Janjaweed, the dreaded Arab militia backed by Sudan's government.
They are, we judge, trying to co-operate with international community in stabilising the situation.
They tend to have a larger reach, and so attract a larger number of potential buyers.
We eliminated sector funds from consideration because they tend to do well in spurts only.
They are leaving the sectarian conflict to the Iraqi police and focusing on the insurgency.
They're likely to be less mechanised, and to produce goods that command higher prices.
Ultimately, Noble and Black Wolf say they're just happy to have fans up and dancing.
They announced a truce the other day and the ink's hardly dry before they start shooting.
And how do they decide where to eat in a city of 10, 000 restaurants?
They'll have to stick to main routes, including the ones soldiers call IED magnets.
After two years they had a cumbersome system and a grand total of two dozen articles.
The two platforms spent recent years copying each other's moves, and they're fairly indistinguishable now.
They believe millions of them are passing through us every second without a trace.
BBC: Dark Matter: Experiment to shed light on dark particles
If they then resort to an estate agent, they will have spent more money, not less.
They are thought to be fairly safe, although some experts have raised concerns about side-effects.
They keep office hours "wherever possible" ("it's good to have a regime, " says Doherty).
If they don't get as much as Gerald Corbett, how much should they get?
It is doubtful that they will put much pressure on companies to boost returns.
Each year, tens of thousands of people die because they are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
I've had kids come in with the retro T-shirts that they buy at Urban Outfitters, etc.
Then they can go and face Brazil with the confidence you can only get from winning.
One in 10 admitted they had not renewed their licence for more than 10 years.
They have been believers for a while now, and someday they may be justified.
If they concede a goal they must concentrate on not letting in three or four.
They have IQs that can boil water and are quite serious about their work.