The enemy is there with their horses and camels, they are there every day.
They are, we judge, trying to co-operate with international community in stabilising the situation.
They are leaving the sectarian conflict to the Iraqi police and focusing on the insurgency.
They are thought to be fairly safe, although some experts have raised concerns about side-effects.
Each year, tens of thousands of people die because they are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
They are joined by American firm James Corner Field Operations and Agence Ter from France.
They are going to get jobs designing better equipment than what BP was using.
Balloons can work but are time-consuming, and they are slaves to wind and pesky guide wires.
They are the ones the country needs to keep to rebuild it in years to come.
Some fertility experts fear the guidelines may not lead to changes because they are not binding.
BBC: IVF should be given sooner and to older women, says NICE
The referral of a doctor to the council does not imply they are guilty.
Cardiff almost went top at the weekend and they are right in the mix.
Their buyers now need to show licenses indicating that they are a shop or other institution.
After all, they are already quite free to marry someone of any other faith.
They are easy tunes to play but pointless in anything other than the very short-term.
They are all controlled by a venture capital firm called Intellectual Ventures, based in Bellevue, Wash.
"I think they are going for broke now, going for whatever they can do, " he said.
They are now trying to sell everything to MGM-Mirage before being stripped of their license.
While no residential buildings beyond dormitories have been built, they are in the works.
Meals unfurl with great ceremony - they are joyful, boisterous and almost inevitably communal.
In AIDS, the drugs can keep people alive for many years, but they are never cured.
Ms Kurbatoff says young Christchurch people have a voice and they are prepared to use it.
Because of the way they are designed, a simple software patch for one could disrupt others.
If they are spending time on something, they want to know it s well used.
If you look at cameras from Sony or Panasonic they are sexy, finely designed products.
Despite many rumours, few big companies have come out and said exactly what they are planning.
This is bad news for black women, given the reality they are overrepresented in low-wage jobs.
They are set to be announced by David Cameron and Nick Clegg in January.
Unfortunately this article is just one example of how they are often treated unfairly.
"They are the two players who can produce a bit of magic, " added the 39-year-old.