They aren't for sale, but the rest of Yanji certainly seems to be.
Unreimbursed tolls and parking fees are deductible as a miscellaneous expense (by employees) or on Schedule C (by the self-employed), as long as they aren't for commuting.
While separate accounts are now possible for more Americans, who are flush with bull market bootie, they aren't feasible for someone who can scrap together only the bare minimum investment.
But while we political junkies live for these moments, they aren't always good for the parties involved.
One last, little-known benefit of these accounts: They aren't just for kids.
Department officials said they understood that teachers care about the entire student and want to make sure they're doing well, but students need their own space and parents have made clear they aren't looking for co-parents.
For now, the SEC is asking for a breakdown of those expenses, said people familiar with the agency's operations, but aren't necessarily telling firms they aren't allowed to charge investors for certain items so long as the firm has made the disclosures.
"The frustration is that for what jobs there are, they aren't offering enough hours for a family to be able to live on, " claims John.
One of the reasons why we're here, one of the reasons why we had the fiscal cliff fight and why we're discussing this is that everybody recognizes that these kind of indiscriminate, across-the-board cuts aren't good for the economy, aren't good for our defense, and they're not the way to sensibly reduce our deficit.
And they aren't good enough for artists, who want to grow their audiences and make money.
ENGADGET: Beats Electronics announces project Daisy music service, appoints new CEO
They aren't good enough for fans, whoneed it to be easier to find music they love.
ENGADGET: Beats Electronics announces project Daisy music service, appoints new CEO
And many firms are embracing the looser rules, even if they aren't the impetus for going public.
All vary so much from one season to the next that they aren't particularly useful for predicting future performance.
Using contractors also can cut benefits costs: they typically aren't eligible for such benefits as health insurance and paid maternity leave.
But even they aren't ideal candidates for the job -- since they never see fistula in their own country, they have no experience with it, he says.
For the first time in years, however, they aren't so sure about prospects for deals out of China.
These "vote no" campaigns have added momentum this year as angry shareholders take to annual meetings, but while they help register demands for change, they aren't universally successful.
Junior partners are warned never to tell him anything they aren't sure of, for he might pull it out of thin air months later in open court.
The ER is not the appropriate location to treat these uninsured patients, yet they come to the ER for services that aren't needed there when they should be going to specialized clinics.
They justify it by saying that feedback doesn't apply to them they aren't as likely to die before 60 as other people, for instance, because they have grandparents who lived into their 90s, or because they are avid gym goers with low blood pressure.
They haven't figured out how to get money for the readers that they get online but who aren't paying to get it.
Overall, there are more than 40, 000 paid parking facilities in the U.S., but they aren't necessarily convenient or affordable for everyone.
Because they aren't subject to a tax penalty for employees who work less than 30 hours per week.
These days people may be open to hearing about new opportunities, but they probably aren't spending much time looking for one.
They aren't the only ones blaming Israel for the Palestinians' bad behavior.
The new study indicates that while pills may be a good short-term fix, they aren't the best way to go for those with chronic problems.
They won't get a sudden big whack of new money, but at the same time, they aren't shoved out into the public limelight before they're really ready for prime time.
If wireless carriers are forced to open up their networks, Walls said, they aren't likely to bid as much for them and taxpayers will make less from the auction.
This way, students know what to expect when they are disciplined and know they have control over their return to the classroom, but they aren't given extra attention or shamed for their behavior.