Some people who live within a quarter mile of McIntyre say they have no water problems whatsoever, and they don't want to pay for improvements they don't see a need for.
The attraction of violence could be that it gives people "a chance to experience taboo -- events that they can't experience in their own lives -- or see things they don't see in their typical life, " said Brad Bushman, professor of communications and psychology at Ohio State University.
They don't see Katrina as a story about race, and they don't believe that the government would have behaved differently, in, in fact, the victims had been white.
They don't feel as if hard work and responsibility pay off anymore, and they don't see that hard work and responsibility reflected either in Washington or, all too often, on Wall Street.
If they don't see college as a real option they are even more likely to dropout.
"We don't want to see a strike - they don't want to see it, everybody knows what the consequences would be if there were one, " he said.
And that's why I think they're so frustrated by what they see and don't see happening here in Washington.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to National Governors Association
" He adds: "Now they don't see a light at the end of the tunnel.
That could lead to employee frustration if they don't see their ideas being implemented.
Some corporate chief information officers say they don't see a compelling reason to upgrade to Windows 8.
And they don't see much recent evidence that Americas politicians are up to the job of fixing them.
And the Shia, they don't see a reason for compromise at this point.
They don't see what Clausewitz described as the "fog and friction" of war.
Channel 4's "superhumans" tag has just caused polarisation and too many Paralympians say they don't see themselves as disabled.
' They don't see the ones who aren't able to leave the house.
Most quit because they don't see quantifiable results and generally think they're spending too much on people rather than words.
They don't see a lot of visiting international rugby teams here so we were ideal photographic material for the fanatical locals.
But when most voters look at the two of you, they don't see a lot of daylight between you on policy.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
Among the other findings, nearly 25% of teens still said they don't see talking on a cell phone while driving as unacceptable.
But Chilean men have a reputation for being macho (the miners distanced their phone from the group so they don't see each other cry).
In surveys and interviews of interns and new hires, I have frequently heard that they don't see the value of that kind of connection in the workplace.
It affects them when they don't see themselves represented on TV, and it affects them when the young people who look like them are seen doing something wrong, he added.
"If you look at Google's interest in YouTube, you'd have to have your head in the sand to think that they don't see a massive advertising opportunity there, " Donovan says.
"What we tend to see is that if a customer receives a recall notice before their car exhibits any symptoms, they don't see it as a problem, " says Chance Parker of J.