"I helped some people get back to the medical tent and then they told all the doctors to go back out there, " Pendleton told CNN.
"They hire bodyguards, they buy armoured cars and they just don't go out at all, " he said.
"I'm all set to go and my crews are all set to go, but they're not up and I'm freaking out, " says Cox.
But at the same time, closed-end funds, being different than open, they only have to report their holdings every six months but they can go to nine months, where a regular mutual fund, every quarter they have to send out prospectuses and all sorts of things.
If there really was no alternative the lights would go out all over the UK - just like they did in California in 2000 and early last year.
Our banking friends have been telling us of developers willing to pay 18 percent or more for credit, if they can get it at all, and the predictions are that many will go out of business this year.
All they want is for someone to set the rules and they'll go out and compete like crazy.
"Once again, the British Government will go through all this and find out in a few years' time that they have to apologise to everybody because they acted outside the system, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Sinn Fein vows to fight sanctions
"First of all they just wanted to go in and have a look and see if there was anything out of place in the shoulder, " Williams added.
Later in the song, he's back on his mother's couch, wondering what happened to all those friends who chose to go to college and were so disillusioned that they dropped out and vanished.
Regardless, for gamers looking to go all out, this may not be such an awful idea (especially if they end up including Wiis), but we're not sure if this offer will last past the (admittedly scant) first wave of shipments -- but hey, it sure beats getting shot up or beat down while squandering vacation days, right?
These folks are trained to go in and get people out of the homes that they have been stuck in for days now with water all around.
The boats were all lined up ready to go, when some bureaucrat showed up and told them they couldn't go out on the water unless they had proof of insurance and registration.
CNN: Transcript of Gov. Jindal's GOP response to Obama speech
England must go all out to finish top of their group, because it means their route opens up nicely and they avoid Argentina in the quarter-finals.
BBC: SPORT | Football | World Cup 2006 | Teams | England | Terry Butcher's view on England
"They all find out that you opened the mail and they get an invisible tracking number, so if you go to a store ... that number is reported to them and they can build that information into a database, " Catlett said.