Hac:Man's success with a giant Etch-a-Sketch at a Maker Faire in 2011 got the group thinking about a follow-up, said Mr Lang.
Both predicting the future of work and designing for it (whether as a corporate HR executive, a coffee shop owner, a vendor of virtual-work technologies or an entrepreneur developing a co-working space) involves thinking about a messy and complicated bundle of ideas with at least a couple of dozen major dimensions.
Her focus on being a victim immobilized her from thinking like a business woman and distracted her from behaving like a leader.
It becomes a way of thinking and a way of making decisions on the field.
The change in scenery serves as a trigger for thinking in a different way as well.
It's been our journey and the way of viewing the process that created a platform for smart thinking and a place where everyone acknowledged nobody was as smart as everybody.
"For us it's a venue, which we don't have ourselves, to reach out to a wider public--a thinking public--to have a discussion about issues about which we're concerned, " she says.
It's a composition that I wrote thinking on a Spanish motif.
But the truth of the matter is, the Yes on 8 Campaign, they ran a very, very effective campaign, a very effective media strategy that got a lot of people thinking about it in a different way.
Take a look at your spice cabinet and get your brain a-thinking and your palate a-tasting.
They also argue this was not a bailout in the sense - I was thinking of a boat full of water - this bailed out - like it's like taking a few drops of water out of the boat.
And the reason is that -- look, when a construction worker has a got a little money in his pocket, now he starts thinking about buying a new car.
No one's asking for a 136-story museum, but a little Auriti-esque thinking could go a long way.
Creating a solid financial plan requires good logical thinking and a clear grasp of core financial tools and assumptions.
In every instance, such interviews provide a qualitative data point that anchors your thinking in a perspective that is important, if not imperative.
FORBES: gyroVoice: The Most Important Brand Strategy Question: What Would You Ask Elvis?
Further work is needed to prove that this is, indeed, a picture of MPL and not wishful thinking over a grainy handful of pixels.
It's still unpredictable and only a brave or foolish tourist plans a day to the causeway without thinking about bringing a waterproof.
This means that we need a weekly close above 11, 491 before thinking that a rally can ensue.
One can also argue that Mohnish is a long-term investor and he is thinking of a much longer term.
FORBES: Mohnish Pabrai Makes Big Bets on Riskier Banks: BAC, C, GS
Being part of a group is a terrific way to make new friends, deepen existing friendships, have fun, create a sense of belonging, and spend time thinking about a subject that interests you.
FORBES: Have You Joined or Started a Happiness Project Group? If Not Do You Want To?
The Yankees declined to comment Thursday, but the team is thinking about a way out of its contract with Rodriguez, a person with knowledge of the team's thinking said this week.
It seemed to be a matter of watching the clock wind down and thinking of a celebration for Syracuse's sixth title.
At a NASDAQ board meeting in Manhattan last month, a visitor approached a compact, white-haired guy who looks as if he belongs in a college chemistry lab and asked if he was thinking about a top job in the new Administration.
Pink, who gave business a blueprint for thinking creatively in A Whole New Mind, has now turned his attention to sales, and his book is vastly entertaining and informative.
FORBES: Tales From the Sales Vault: The Myth of the Natural Salesperson
It became clear to me in the early 1990s when for a couple of years I was a judge in the annual Loebner Prize Competition, an annual contest to find out if any computer could yet pass what is known as the Turing test: if it could fool a person into thinking it was a human.
FORBES: Sorry, Jeopardy Watchers: No Computer Will Ever Be Remotely Human
However, many small business owners are focused on making their business successful on a day-to-day basis, and put off thinking about a plan in case the marriage fails.
We were over-thinking a lot of shots, maybe shooting a lot of shots that were going long.
He assured MPs there would not be a "DC Confidential 2" or a "PCC Confidential" but he was thinking of writing a novel.
There doesn't have to be a contradiction between jobs and the environment, we just have to be thinking a little smarter.
It must stop thinking like a device maker and start thinking like an experience creator, one that builds platforms for consumer engagement, one that freely enables consumer choice rather than tying it down.