To expose your thinking process, make it visible to others using a simple three-step process.
After communicating your thinking process, publicly test your conclusions and assumptions by encouraging people to give feedback.
For ongoing conversations, particularly around sensitive issues or areas where people have a lot of passion, make your thinking process visible.
To ensure alignment, ask others to make their thinking process visible.
When faced with tough questions like these, take a deep breath, slow down, and then sound out your thinking process aloud, and walk the interviewer through how you get to an answer.
They really thought they were right, but they didn't let enough sunlight into their thinking process to really have the kind of debate that needs to take place when a serious decision occurs like that.
Thinking the reconstruction process would only take about two years, they moved into a mobile home on their new 58-acre property.
"We came into this whole process thinking: The next pope has to be vigorous and therefore probably younger, " said Cardinal George.
Prometheus Laboratories that Prometheus obtained a patent on a method of treating digestive-tract diseases that is so broad it prevents its researchers from even thinking about the process it covers.
FORBES: Mayo Clinic Case Asks If A Doctor's Method Can Be Patented
The Minnesota health center says it was forced to drop a potentially valuable diagnostic test and delay publication of an article after Prometheus sued it for violating a patent so sweeping that it prohibits researchers from even thinking about the process Prometheus claims to have invented.
D'Amico suggested she wait since she was in the midst of the grieving process and her thinking might not be that clear.
Schools can help this process along by thinking of their role differently.
Sampson said he and Gonzales had at least "five discussions" about the dismissals, including conversations during the "thinking phase" of the process, the preparations of a final list in 2006, and, ultimately, the approval of the eight prosecutors who were subsequently let go.
This is short-term thinking in a long-term process that hurts manufacturers and consumers.
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The second case is one where you have some sort of offline process and you are thinking of moving to an Internet-based service.
"What we need to do is try and get these elements talking to each other, and also to start thinking of it as a complete process, " he says.
Regardless of the biochemical details, the most intriguing thing Dr Baker's result provides is a new way of thinking about how to slow the process of ageing and one that works with the grain of nature, rather than against it.
ECONOMIST: A way to counteract part of the process of growing old
In addition to visually inspiring homeowners in the process (or just thinking about) remodeling, Zillow Digs also features the ability for homeowners to find and connect with local professionals such as architects, contractors and designers who can help with their projects.
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In thinking about how they could evolve the process, the Team Based Discussion emerged for two primary reasons.
Apple passed these apps through the iTunes approval process, what are they thinking?
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Teachers are one of the important influences in keeping children at school and supporting students to develop critical thinking skills, to work cooperatively, process information and make informed choices about their lives and their futures is part of the role of a teacher.
Very few of us stop to consider that thinking itself has been through a long evolutionary process.
The stakes are high--and success will depend on the rigor of the process and the clarity of the thinking that goes into it.
It's been our journey and the way of viewing the process that created a platform for smart thinking and a place where everyone acknowledged nobody was as smart as everybody.
Increasingly, I am finding that if CITOs spend just a bit of time thinking like marketers, taking time to understand the process of marketing, delving into marketing automation technology, and attempting to find sources of data that can be of assistance to marketers, the impact can be tremendous.
The process also provides clues to what Shakespeare was thinking and how his astonishing imagination evolved.
As you look back on your views at the beginning of this process, do you see places where your own thinking or your own assumptions were flawed in some way?
But the process is slow and cumbersome, on account of the neurobiological irony that thinking about something--like visualizing tapping your finger on a desk--is often harder than doing it.
Analytical functions and process automation are seen as separate structures, not as an extension of the thinking and actions of the people involved in the system.
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The company's executives are thinking about joining them, and shifting their primary listing from Toronto to Hong Kong in the process.