In this case, unlike that of natural selection, Darwin's thinking did not set the world alight.
When I saw a basket of glistening donuts at the Pepples donut stall, I immediately ordered two, thinking it would set the tone for an unhealthy day of indulgence.
In thinking about how to set fines, it helps to start from the extremes.
The rise of cross-asset and cross-border trading has set people thinking about standardising communications.
But I see no reason to panic homeowners into thinking that 1990 is set to repeat itself.
It was too late to inquire, so I continued, uncertainly, thinking, This could set your highly wound individual back several psychic centuries.
Here to set you thinking are some less-than-standard measures of green shoots and turning points suggested in recent weeks, and a few that are more orthodox.
The point was to set people thinking about energy efficiency, to inspire the young to take up science, and to experiment for the joy of it.
But the film set me thinking about all the ways that policy gets distorted by so much of Britain's economic, political and cultural all being concentrated in one place.
This set him thinking about the rising costs of medical care, and the catastrophic effects that sudden illness could have on a family less well provided for than his own.
The transport secretary's review on air will set out government thinking later this summer.
Even better, thinking of DNA as a set of contingencies makes it easier to understand evolution.
But this latest experience has set me to thinking more about Apple.
Like the jam tasters, they have been tricked into over-analyzing their options, thinking too much about a set of preferences that can't be explained.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on, and Other Dating Services | Head Case
The committee is calling on the government to set out its thinking on the issue before the next election and for all parties to consider the implications for public spending, in their next election manifestos.
BBC: UK woefully underprepared for ageing society, say peers
But what we should be thinking about instead is how to set up new habits.
Our students comprise a diverse set of forward-thinking minds with entrepreneurial experience and a passion for solving the biggest challenges.
Thinking too much about a logical set of preferences, like superficial commonalities between people, can distort your ability to identify what has real meaning.
FORBES: What's Love Got to Do With It: Taking the Pulse of Your Brand
With respect to both our current financial crisis, and other pressing economic issues of our time, his thinking, writing and speaking have set the terms of the debate.
In the 1980s this meant visitors could be forgiven for thinking they had arrived on the set of a wacky sitcom, perhaps made for the Central American market, in which the actors, all speaking American with a Latin twang, were masquerading as the nation's public figures.
The higher we are fortunate to climb in our careers, the more critical it becomes to set aside time for thinking about the key challenges and opportunities facing the organizations we are privileged to lead, as well as the ways in which we can personally improve as leaders.
More than one hundred years after Keats, Edwards Deming set out to transform business thinking, anticipating much of the current worldview regarding innovation.
FORBES: Innovation: W. Edwards Deming and John Keats Got It Right
In some ways, the Valley is set up to support this way of thinking.
We realized we needed to focus and set measurable impact targets that reflected sound investment thinking and responsible use of financial resources.
FORBES: Citi Foundation: Investing in Products, Access and People for Financial Inclusion
Gorman may be thinking about saving the cash in order to meet capital ratios set by the upcoming Basel II standards.
It's a sweeping set of rules that puts into motion a new way of thinking about and protecting the Great Lakes.
Thinking that a downturn may be near, retail investor Hiromichi Kobayashi placed set-price orders below the market on Thursday morning on some issues, surprised to see them executed so quickly as prices fell.
He and three friends noticed a photograph of Arthur Conan Doyle in a local pub and, thinking it sad the area was not more celebrated for the famous connection, set up a small group to rectify matters.
BBC: Lake District name claim by South Norwood tourist group