The American Cancer Society thinks you should pre-cook the meat, maybe by microwaving it first.
Thus Steve thinks you should allocate your portfolio along the same percentages: 75% stocks and 25% cash.
When Gates thinks you and I are better capitalists than he is, that's a bad day for America.
Besides, you're wearing all these modern, poly-fiber technical clothes, and your Dad thinks you stink like a Dumpster.
The camera is supposed to engage when you're watching a video, pausing playback if it thinks you're looking away.
Suppose you apply for streamlined relief but the IRS examines your case and thinks you are high risk, not low?
FORBES: Should U.S. Citizens Abroad Pick Streamlined IRS Program Or OVDP?
And perhaps less ominous for the future, Mitt Romney thinks you should be able to open windows on planes.
So I'm one who thinks you always need to have a large national interest in your foreign policy formulation and implementation.
Don Crowther thinks you should put your picture on your business card.
Your family thinks you hung the moon and your friends trust you.
FORBES: Entrepreneurs: If You Love Your Family, Don't Let Them Invest in Your Startup
"If the military thinks you're making decisions based on the Gallup poll, they're not going to follow a commander in chief, " he said.
McWilliams thinks you can probably even buy it a little cheaper.
Here, Twitter displays 10 stories it thinks you'll want to read.
No matter how much you spent on your HDTV, or what amazing Apple Cinema display you are reading this post on, Brightside Technology thinks you haven't seen anything yet.
ENGADGET: When you won't be able to tell HDTV from real life: Brightside HDR preview
Pretty much every time you click on something, the phone tries will ask if you want to jump two steps ahead because it thinks you want to, and you know what?
And so he has turned his attention to how he thinks you can begin to persuade people typically hostile, that they in fact might not mind more homes coming to a field near them.
But when you create an icon of a person in that kind of way, after everyone thinks you are like this and if you lie about it, everyone just thinks that it is all true.
Needless to say, Ars thinks you'll have to make fewer such compromises in the not too distant future, what with things like cheaper SSD drives and VIA's low-power, high-performance Isaiah processor on the horizon.
ENGADGET: Ars Technica dishes out guide for building your own green PC
The fork has another trick up its sleeve too, which is that when it thinks you're eating too fast, it'll vibrate when you put it to your lips to let you know to slow down, cowboy.
Now will also show you cards for upcoming books, albums and TV shows based on what Google thinks you'll like -- which could either be quite helpful or exasperating depending on how well it knows you accuracy.
Last but certainly not least, the app will dial 911 and up to three emergency contacts when it thinks you've been in an accident -- it figures that out with the data it collects from the Link's accelerometer.
ENGADGET: Automatic Link connects phone and car for better driving, we go hands-on (video)
"Nawaz Sharif is obsessed by the Turkish model and thinks you can only take on the military if you deliver on the economic front, " said Lahore-based analyst Mehmal Sarfraz, who works at the South Asia Free Media Association, an independent regional organization.
Put simply, this government thinks you get the best outcome if individual countries can go their own way, as far as is feasible, within a framework that gives a level playing field to companies and individuals, wherever they operate in the EU. Many around the table last night favour giving more powers to the centre - and more harmonisation.
What does it mean to live in a diverse nation, where not everybody looks like you do, or thinks like you do, or comes from the same neighborhood as you do?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Third Annual Back to School Speech
Looking at raw scores gives you a better indication of what a rater thinks about you.
I'm not sure what the neuro part of the neuro-fuzzy means, but I think it means that the more you use this machine, the more it thinks about you.