Yes we had walked for months across deserts and wetlands, our ranks thinned daily.
This was thinned down dramatically through scrapping unproductive marques and selling off uneconomic brands.
The silken threads of mutual presence would be thinned to the point of fraying.
Kenya must also look for a new generation of players, as the ranks are gradually thinned.
This is where the herd is thinned, and better stronger business are built to last.
Meanwhile, the working population will have been thinned by the low birth rates of the past 15 years.
While there is safety in numbers, the herd will be thinned as thousands are eaten, crushed or drowned in the crossings.
L. The press corps had thinned out by then, and a succession of anonymous engineers took to the lectern.
The Sabres won despite a lineup that was thinned further of veteran talent.
Telecommunication builders and service providers, weighed down by debt and bleeding red ink, were thinned from our list this year.
He kept his graying hair long, so it curled up near the ears, but age had thinned it on top.
The lack of water has apparently thinned out the population a bit, leading Shade to invest in some imaginary friends.
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Well, most of those flights have thinned out, and some of the domestic flights and those into Europe have been cancelled.
Towards the end of their lives, as their weight and size increases , numbers will be "thinned" to allow more space.
But the Japanese donations have dried up as bad publicity and lawsuits have thinned the ranks and revenues of the faithful there.
Other firms have thinned their top ranks of partners who didn't bring in enough business, making it even tougher to elbow into a spot.
He also prepared period paints, thinned with benzene to accelerate drying.
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The seats themselves have been thinned down (without compromising comfort) and the magazine pouch shifted from knee height to behind the tray table to increase legroom.
Over the years, the crowd around my Thanksgiving table has thinned due to the natural order of things kids growing up and adults moving on.
Taking away the thinned-out material is difficult, and sloppy thinning can increase the risk of fire by leaving dry branches and leaves on the forest floor.
Every year, those tribes came to pick the mangoes at Nurpur Harouni and other nearby farms, working for almost nothing, let go as soon as the harvest thinned.
If we ban every book written before the world became as politically correct as it is today that someone finds offensive, our classics section will be rather thinned out.
This year, the size of the thinned area reached about 27 million square kilometers (10.4 million square miles), compared to 25 million square kilometers (9.65 million square miles) in 2007.
For the next three weeks, Julian scrubbed down the rooms and galleries and thinned out the fallen limbs in the yard, the end of each day finding him tired unto sickness.
One of the simplest procedures, with a relatively short recovery time, is called an exostectomy, in which the bump on the head of the first metatarsal is thinned or shaved off with a surgical saw.
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The crowds around the disaster site had thinned in recent days, but on Friday evening, families clutching photos of missing loved ones were once again thronging the area hoping to see their relatives brought out alive.