Van Engelsdorp, who is thirty-seven, has a bearish build, thinning blond hair, and deep-set blue eyes.
Of course there are still Blackberry addicts out there, but their ranks are thinning.
Hair will split after a period of time, and that's sometimes where thinning hair comes from.
Nonetheless, the researchers say, thinning has intensified at key locations where ice streams enter the ocean.
One thing that will certainly benefit Prexige, however, is a thinning of the competition.
Hennessy is fifty-nine, six feet tall, and trim, with thinning gray hair and a square jaw.
By thinning the senior ranks of companies they hoped to free up jobs for young people.
Successful forest regeneration requires actions such as maintaining seed trees, thinning harvested stands and more.
Margins are thinning and the market could easily be saturated in about five years' time.
The thinning of the ozone layer presented risks that were widely accepted: people fear skin cancer.
Researchers believe the cortical thinning causes depression by interfering with the processing of emotional stimuli, he said.
Depriving men of testosterone can cause osteoporosis, the same bone-thinning condition that afflicts some women after menopause.
Last week, with that lead thinning in New Hampshire, he pretended to regret blowing off a G.
The skin edging her nostrils is red, and under her hat, I see tendrils of thinning hair.
The researchers tell Nature that this dynamic thinning, as they call it, now covers all latitudes in Greenland.
Additionally, adverse events like diarrhea, hair thinning and back pain were more common in patients treated with Rebif.
The program, which begins this week, is meant to be a straightforward way to beef up thinning bank reserves.
Current data indicates all this ice is already thinning at a rapid rate.
Also, the price cuts would translate into thinning margins unless the companies find ways to bring down the costs.
Dr Rogers first fabricated a mesh containing a circuit of silicon electronics by thinning silicon until it becomes flexible.
For weeks, the thinning Pyrenean deputy in the parliament building attracted little attention.
ECONOMIST: A pre-emptive strike by a politician from the Pyrenees
Other market participants, such as the proprietary trading desks of banks, may withdraw, further thinning the ranks of the competition.
Mubarak, a slim, handsome man with a sharp nose and thinning hair, bears little resemblance to his broad-faced, burly father.
The authors describe a gloomy town surrounded by thinning forests and blackened lands, apparently the work of slash-and-burn Dayak farmers.
Precautions include clearing brush from within 100 ft (30 metres) of a house, replacing wood sidings and roofs, and thinning trees.
This is evident, for example, in the rapid thinning seen of late in the mighty Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica.
On the demand side, the technicalities of the mortgage market are thinning the ranks of million-dollar home buyers more than usual.
Lately Puma's margins have been thinning under the burden of quick expansion and excess inventory at a key vendor, Foot Locker.
Castroneves gambled on low fuel and thinning tyres, and finished the race with just 0.4 of a gallon of fuel remaining.
The city uses parts of its water fees to maintain the surrounding forest and carry out thinning to suppress wildfires.
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