He's also an entrepreneur, having helped launch two Internet companies, Southern Corners and Third Age Media.
Retirement for them will be a third age, still full of assorted activities.
Mrs Yates was a very active person who attended civic society meetings, the University of the Third Age and regularly went walking.
And entire industries have grown up around the idea of productive aging, the third age, or all the other marketing euphemisms out there.
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In my professional career I encouraged people to go into retirement with a positive attitude and to think of this phase of life as the Third Age.
More than a third of people age 55 and older are not saving for their retirement.
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She added that almost a third of working age parents rely on grandparents to provide childcare - and more than 900, 000 people are working past the traditional retirement age "either because they want to or because they can't afford to retire".
BBC: Lord Bichard: Retired people could do work for pensions
More than one-third were under the age of 18, like Mohammed Alam, a ten-year-old orphan, who left Bihar with his aunt and uncle a month ago.
These suggest that a population of stars that invaded the Milky Way when it was only a third of its present age can still be recognised.
Depending on whether you count e-readers in the category, roughly a third of US consumers over age 13 currently own a tablet.
With a crossover point of about 300 percent of FPL for those aged 30 to 44, we estimate that about one-third of those older than age 29 with incomes greater than 138 percent FPL will see higher premiums even after accounting for premium assistance.
The risk of breast cancer increases with age and currently a third of all breast cancers occur in women aged 70 and over.
Within the next four decades, most of the developed countries in East Asia, as well as Europe, will become veritable old-age homes: A third or more of their populations will be over 65.
One third of the city is under the age of 35, and there is one bar for every 200 residents.
But at age 25, entering his third full season, he has flashed enough potential for the Mets to believe they're buying low.
As such, it attracts a significant number of retirees: nearly a third of the population is of pensionable age, ranking the constituency 6th in England and Wales.
At the moment many Local Authorities and local Age Concern offices offer a third party collection service, but the new rules may make this too complicated to continue.
Oswaldo Arcia becomes the third Minnesota player since 2000 to debut before age 22.
Sadly, he passed away some years ago after his third open heart surgery at a much younger age than his peers.
Mad Men, AMC's drama about the "Golden Age" of advertising, begins its third season this weekend.
The 62-year-old Nyad -- who completed her Lake Ontario swim in 1974 at the age of 24 -- was a third of the way to her goal as of Sunday evening.
About 500, 000 working age adults get social care support - a third of the total number getting help.
Declaring cancer awareness as his chief motivation, Armstrong finished third in last year's Tour de France at age 37.
The aim is to give a further third-of-a-million children in other age groups, who are not totally protected, their vaccines as well.
BBC: Measles vaccination plan in England targets 1m children
Age Concern is urging people who rely on third party collection not to switch to the new system until alternative arrangements are put in place.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants surveyed clients approaching retirement age and found that more than one-third has decided to keep working because of the economy.
The number of newspaper readers under the age of 24 has shrunk by over a third since 1990, while those over 65 has fallen by only 6% (see chart).
For StubHub, the industry leader among online third party brokers, the spike in fraud in the paperless age was noticable.
Its workforce is shrinking: incredibly, the working age population is likely to fall by around a third between now and 2050.
At the same time, cable operators have been unable on their own to attract much in the way of third-party developers that might drag them into the Internet age.
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