This should serve as a warning sign for Romney that he has to be proactive when he returns from his international trip about what he will do to help the economy.
In France this was taken as a warning to people like Rachida Dati, told to run for the European Parliament after failing as justice minister, that they would be expected to serve their time in the salt mines of Strasbourg and not run home to Paris.
While the unfortunate action of bills being sent to those who have recently died is far from new, the viral nature of this complaint should serve as a warning to companies, said one social media expert.
This warning should serve as a reminder to both patients and doctors that antibiotics are serious medicine.
Those responsible will bear this stigma, and it will serve as a warning to those who may in future contemplate the commission of such a heinous act.
This cavalier attitude is absolutely stupefying insofar as two years ago this month, the New York Police Department issued a report warning that Wahhabi mosques in America were incubators for "homegrown" Islamic radicals.
This may be a further warning for equities, as these bondholders are worried about another recession and a pick-up in defaults by bond issuers.
The crew of another Super Puma helicopter ditched in the North Sea in May, as a result of a false warning over the lubrication system, a report said earlier this month.
He says the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will use this as their justification for returning Tysabri to the market as a monotherapy with a big "black box" warning about the risk of PML on the label.
His presence there, along with hundreds of Jewish survivors, made Auschwitz this week not only a warning to humanity, as the words on the monument suggest, but also a sign that hope can yet be found in the lives of men and women who lived through the Holocaust.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Heroes who defied the Holocaust
That could serve as a warning to the court not just in this particular case but in their more important review of Judge Sauls's decision.
Last spring, when McCain-Feingold was coming up for a vote, its opponents bombarded lawmakers with letters and faxes, including one by antiabortion activists warning that they would "score" this as a key pro-choice vote, since limits on campaign spending would restrict their ability to get a message out.
Unfortunately, she clicked yes, and this fake-security warning led to her computer becoming as infected as a little kid after the first day of preschool.
After the Japanese close, Sony confirmed plans to cut 10, 000 jobs world-wide as part of a restructuring, following up on a profit warning earlier this week.
It follows a warning earlier this week for eastern parts of Wales, but the snow was not as heavy as expected.
Stocks have been trading under the cloud of a ValuEngine Valuation Warning with 66.4% of all stocks overvalued as we begin this week.
FORBES: Overbought, Overvalued Stock Market Peak: Time To Book Profits
This was a premature signal as the Dow high was 14, 198 in October 2007, but the ValuEngine Valuation Warning was still effective for Dow sellers between 11, 285 and 14, 198.
To make this transition will require greater scientific research and cooperation, as well as observation and monitoring systems, including early warning systems, to gain a better understanding of this complex system.
For City, this trip to Wembley felt different from its 2011 appearance in the final, when its victory over Stoke rung out as a warning to the rest of English soccer.