What we're making clear to parents - and all other readers - on our database and in our stories is this is not the sole measure of a teacher.
"In my judgment, any proper balancing exercise comes down in favour of the conclusion that this interference with the teacher's Article 8 rights is disproportionate and unjustifiable, particularly in a jurisdiction where people are generally to be presumed innocent until proved guilty, " Mr Justice Stuart-Smith said.
Sometimes the lesson plans are part of the ongoing schemes of work and when this is the case I feel that I have been treated with respect as a teacher and that the long-term educational needs of the pupils are paramount.
This change in the role of the teacher is, as others and I have noted, in part about allowing computers to do what computers do well to free up teachers to do what only humans can do.
FORBES: What We Can Learn From A Dinner Controversy In The Desert
Does this school district have an actual policy outlining the appropriate steps for suspending a teacher merely accused of reading obscene material without any proof whatsoever that this is the case?
Again this is something which might win the approval of Mr Blunkett, but head teacher, Michel Dombron believes French children may be being pushed too far.
This video, promoted by UNESCO, is an integral part of the Education for All Teacher-Training Package.
Gibson, for example, is drawn to the toy train, so his teacher frequently uses this as a tool.
Now the plain fact is that pupil-teacher ratios have been falling throughout this century.
This is the due process period put in place to ensure that the actual reasons behind firing the teacher are legitimate.
"As a Muslim, I know this case is a matter of Islamic law, " says Mohamed Jihad, a teacher at the school.
This means we can argue that poverty really is the fundamental problem with schools but that other factors, like teacher quality, can make the effects of poverty on educational outcomes far worse or alleviate those problems to some degree.
"Notes From the Archive: James Frazer Stirling, Architect and Teacher" is the first major attempt to explore the development of his ideas based on this documentary evidence.
The Charlotte Observer had a story saying that on Sunday night a teacher got a call -- this is a teacher who has been active in Democratic politics -- got a call from an Obama for America official saying, can you come to the event, the President wants to talk to you there.