"We are in the 21st century and this is totally unacceptable, " Kulunga said in a statement.
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"This is totally unacceptable, " added Jillings.
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"This is totally unacceptable, " he said.
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This attitude is totally unacceptable in this day and age.
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"This act is totally unacceptable, and we are going to make a very clear message to these individuals in regards to that, " Gillespie said.
"This is an abomination that is totally unacceptable by God who formed us not to function in that way, " says Patrick Kuchio, a popular preacher at Parklands Pentecostal Church.
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"This is an appalling and abhorrent kind of behaviour which is totally unacceptable regardless of race or religion, " said Sheikh Mogra, the MCB's Assistant Secretary General, on BBC Radio 4's Sunday programme.
BBC: Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain
"Any attack on KFOR soldiers is totally unacceptable and I condemn this action in the very strongest terms, " Skiaker said.
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"This kind of intimidation against our staff is to be utterly condemned and it is totally unacceptable that officers, who are enforcing the law as they are required to do, should be subjected to such a sustained and threatening campaign, " the council said in a statement.
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