Some of this requires what is called "sentiment analysis, " parsing the content for dimensions like sarcasm and humor.
"This is what you called a young, inexperienced politician, " said Mr. Booker, calling himself a "kid" when he was first elected at the age of 37.
The regulators failed to regulate the economy that is why you had a crisis and when you had crisis then they had to keep the financial institutions alive in order to prevent the total big round and this creates what is called a moral hazard which allows the financial institutions to indulge in excessive lending and excessive profits and excessive stimulation.
This greatly accentuates what is called the "mortality risk" of a GRAT: if the person setting up the trust dies during the trust term, all or part of the trust assets will be included in her estate for estate tax purposes.
This is despite what the group called the "challenging trading environment", which it sees as continuing "for some time to come".
What is this thing called connections?
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Normally this is when a pilot begins gently lifting the nose in what is called a flare.
For this, they agree on what is called a Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory, or FRAND, license agreement.
What makes this possible is a device called Active Roll Stabilization.
What exactly is this so-called old-school approach to leadership?
What is believed to be causing this increase in the speed of expansion is called dark energy, making up more than 70% of the mass-energy - all of the "stuff" - of the Universe and the focus of the DECam's mission.
This is an aspect of what Ayn Rand called the pyramid of intellectual ability.
But some commentators have been outraged by this month's launch of what is called the Redditometro - the Income Meter.
James Bailey, an organizational behaviorist and professor of leadership at George Washington University, argues that we often take this one step further and apply what is called the "halo effect" to these stars.
This difference between what is actually reported versus actually earned is called the tax gap.
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What is interesting about this star is that it is a former red giant, a so-called "hot B subdwarf".
But what is more curious is this: the retrovirus is closely related to a free-living virus called Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus, which causes lung cancer in sheep and goats, but not other species.
This is where Boehner must avoid, what might be called, the Newt Gingrich syndrome: the inability to control the radical elements in your caucus.
The usual practice is to invert this ratio to find what's called a capitalization rate.
This is a classic case of FINRA playing what I have often called regulatory hide-and-seek.
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This quickly got shortened to Tom , which is what I got used to being called.
"Creative destruction" is what the great economist Joseph Schumpeter called this process.
What I said to those who called is simply this: We do not get paid more to recommend one investment strategy over another.
Well, Kristi, you know, I can only imagine what is going through your mind at this time with your husband being called up for a third tour.