"This isn't the coolest archaeology in the world in terms of the stuff you find, " he says.
This isn't to diminish tennis's history as a game with etiquette, and a respect for silence.
"Goodbaby has entered the retail market, and this isn't an easy feat, " says Song.
This isn't to say, Mr. Gates got it right and Mr. Jobs got it wrong.
This isn't to say Occupy Wall Street will turn this energy into a path to action.
"This isn't about one building, " says John Hynes III, Gale's partner and chief executive.
This isn't the first time China's carmakers have been berated for basically copying Western car design.
This isn't to say that you can't still push the limits, says CPA Schwartz.
This isn't the first time a space craft has fallen out of the sky.
But this isn't just another story about laying off workers and outsourcing their jobs to Asia.
So this isn't all fixed in stone when you talk about the Latino, the Hispanic vote.
This isn't just my conclusion -- it's the conclusion of many Russian officials and commentators.
Ginkgo manufacturers say this isn't the first -- or the last -- word on the herb.
"Try to be happy this isn't a Russian novel, " Charlie playfully tells Buddy.
This isn't going to be done by any one person or any one group of people.
You know, this isn't North Korea, I guess it's what I'm trying to say.
This isn't the first time that investors have had a love affair with bottled water.
So it looks like the big industry is starting to win, and this isn't over yet.
This isn't the first time the Treasury has made a hash of managing our national debt.
"This isn't just my company, this is my name, " he told the bankruptcy judge.
This isn't the time to wander off in a fit, cursing the weather gods.
But, Chip, this isn't just a question for the Democratic leadership or for a Democratic President.
But whatever the percentage allowed, this isn't a special deduction for oil and gas.
WSJ: Merrill Matthews: About Those Tax Breaks for Big Oil . . .
This isn't the first time Colombian rebels have been tied to lawsuits in the United States.
"Batteries can get 80% efficiency so this isn't as good in that respect, " explains Dr Fox.
Everybody claims this isn't just a desperate publicity stunt, but you have to wonder.
CNN: Review: 'Burn Hollywood Burn' is 86 minutes of pure torture
"This isn't a matter of how many (crimes) you can dig up, " Conyers said.
If this isn't the best-built American vehicle, you'll have to show me one better.
As a parent of three young children, I can imagine that this isn't easy to do.