This isn't the same model, surely, but it does bear a striking similarity in both design and materials -- and after lots of deliberation and comparisons, we're fairly sure this isn't the Air either (the hinge ends in a totally different spot in relation to the keys).
"People have said this isn't a vintage All Black team but even a bad one, and this one isn't, will be ranked first or second in the world, " added Johnson.
Ms. HILLMAN: Well, on the common sense , if would be left up to the poll worker to decide is this four-year-old child with a campaign t-shirt would be violating the issue and one with hope that what Doug referred to as common sense would prevail to say this child isn't saying anything, this child isn't campaigning.
Even if the concept of laptops in schools isn't flawed, this isn't the way to go about getting them into the hands of students -- let alone students from a country that is listed in the mid-hundreds on the GDP rankings.
ENGADGET: Intel tactically donates a thousand laptops to Vietnam
This was -- this isn't -- this is a -- this is an American problem.
We wouldn't embark on this project if we didn't feel it had strategic long-term value, this isn't a one-off shot.
This isn't to say the NASD isn't on the lookout for Bulletin Board fraud.
And so are you saying, by saying these are individual cases, are you trying to communicate that these banks really -- don't worry about this, this isn't coming your way?
"The world won't come to an end if this isn't resolved before January, " Mr. Norquist says.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Grover Norquist: Washington Enemy No. 1
America doesn't need longer presidential campaigns, so this isn't a bad thing for the country.
This boy works on the machine just behind her. 22 21 He came up to me and asked for permission to date her. 22 33 I said - 'this isn't the time to talk about this...
This isn't just about the oil spill, this is about our total disconnect between our attitude, our actions, and the consequences.
CNN: Opinion: We can help to save our seas but we must act now
This isn't the first time the MacBook Air has been used in cooking, however, and it definitely isn't the first time someone has written about this computer being potentially-somewhat-maybe dangerous.
But this is -- this isn't a step for us to take, this is a step for the North Koreans to take in living up to -- living up to those obligations.
Obviously this isn't news to Netflix and according to the CFO Barry McCarthy it isn't a question of new vs old, but one of good vs bad.
ENGADGET: Netflix CFO talks Watch Now selection, competition HD
"I think it's about creating a momentum that says this isn't a part of our life in Wales - creating the sense it isn't normal to be a smoking population, " she said.
Moto, let's put it this way: if this isn't real, can whatever it is you're working on right this second and do precisely this instead.
ENGADGET: Is this Motorola's Android-powered Touch ZINE HD? Mobile
In our last piece about this device, we implored to Moto that "if this isn't real, can whatever it is you're working on right this second and do precisely this instead, " and as we sit here with broken hearts and shattered dreams, the advice most definitely stands.
ENGADGET: Motorola Touch ZINE HD is likely fake, hearts break around the world
"This isn't the coolest archaeology in the world in terms of the stuff you find, " he says.
This isn't to diminish tennis's history as a game with etiquette, and a respect for silence.
"Goodbaby has entered the retail market, and this isn't an easy feat, " says Song.
This isn't to say, Mr. Gates got it right and Mr. Jobs got it wrong.
This isn't to say Occupy Wall Street will turn this energy into a path to action.
"This isn't about one building, " says John Hynes III, Gale's partner and chief executive.
This isn't the first time China's carmakers have been berated for basically copying Western car design.
This isn't to say that you can't still push the limits, says CPA Schwartz.
This isn't the first time a space craft has fallen out of the sky.
But this isn't just another story about laying off workers and outsourcing their jobs to Asia.
So this isn't all fixed in stone when you talk about the Latino, the Hispanic vote.