If this particular genre of music isn't working at this point in time, you can switch it up, and you can vibe off the people.
Next year, when this experiment in European-style socialism isn't working, the Democrats up for re-election will panic and make the spending this year look like an appetizer.
Moto, let's put it this way: if this isn't real, can whatever it is you're working on right this second and do precisely this instead.
ENGADGET: Is this Motorola's Android-powered Touch ZINE HD? Mobile
In our last piece about this device, we implored to Moto that "if this isn't real, can whatever it is you're working on right this second and do precisely this instead, " and as we sit here with broken hearts and shattered dreams, the advice most definitely stands.
ENGADGET: Motorola Touch ZINE HD is likely fake, hearts break around the world
"Employment is still around or below the levels of 2009, this is a clear sign the job creation isn't working, " said Russell.
This is almost certainly why your delete button isn't working.
It's not a scientific work, and I think one of the misleading things about it is that it seems as if there's a kind of inordinate amount of calculation involved in this way of working, which of course there isn't.
If Weiner makes it at least to a widely expected Democratic primary runoff, as many feel he could, "then he will dramatically show that he's back and that he has a viable political career, even if he doesn't win, " said George Arzt, a veteran Democratic political consultant who isn't working with any mayoral candidates this year.
So I understand why people would say, boy, this is -- I'm not so sure about this -- even though they know that what they got isn't working.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
Local level decisions like this, should not be seen as a "sign that legacy isn't working", he explained stating it was a "very simplistic" way of looking at it.
He said that the reason the government "no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt, is that even on this measure - the central test they set themselves - the plan isn't working".
BBC: Ed Miliband: Cuts plan has locked UK into vicious cycle
"This building isn't here to sell afternoon tea and guided tours, it is a working Parliament, " she said.
With more than ten years of his working life invested in becoming qualified and skilled in this sector, Jad isn't about to take up the government offers of retraining opportunities.