Hundreds of billions will be needed for greener growth in this part of the world.
As a celebrity, Khan rivals Montana and Jagger in this part of the world.
More action shifting to this part of the world, which is going to help us.
There is 1 million displaced at this moment in this part of the world.
However, good relations with politicians remain crucial to doing business in this part of the world.
The sprawling, wood-panelled space features multiple craft beers on tap, with names tailored to suit this part of the world.
Everybody here knows how critical this part of the world is to our economy and to creating jobs.
And in this part of the world, people find it hard to agree on what is theirs and what is not.
Giant cedars, bald eagles and icy glaciers are all part of the scenery in this part of the world.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Open the Door to Cool Summer a Escape
Asma is an idealist, and sometimes in this part of the world it is better to be a realist.
It is access to land that has always been the more combustible issue in this part of the world.
ECONOMIST: A ruling from The Hague pleases the north and vexes the south
Storms in this part of the world come out of nowhere, as I discovered on more than one occasion.
It's often attributed, in this part of the world, to growing Western influence.
France has long-standing interests in, and knowledge of, this part of the world.
In much of this part of the world, 1 out of every 4 children do not go to primary school.
This is very frustrating for Republicans in this part of the world.
With proper infrastructure, we hope to offer many, many Asian elephants the largest natural Sanctuary environment in this part of the world.
This is what we have managed to attain in Europe and what we aim to preserve in this part of the world.
Luxury cars are reporting brisk sales in this part of the world where rising wealth is creating an expanding pool of buyers.
Constructive engagement and involvement by the United States and other major countries in this part of the world will be welcomed and encouraged.
"I think his policies toward this part of the world have not deviated from those of the past President of the United States, " he explains.
Europe, the Pentagon says, is better able to look after its own business now, so American commitments in this part of the world are, "evolving".
Right now the best answer is to do business with Brazilian and Chilean pragmatists and to watch one's back in this part of the world.
How big a setback do you think it was for relations in this part of the world that he carried out those missile tests in July?
Mr Bush and numbers of other people say that Palestinian prosperity is vital if there is ever going to be peace in this part of the world.
"The nightingale population in this part of the world is the most important, the single largest place for nightingales in the country, " said RSPB spokesman Paul Outhwaite.
"I am saying to people on the panel, you are from Northern Ireland and you could be helping to ruin this part of the world, " he said.
There's very little money around in this part of the world, and, as Alison Fairman from the Boston Citizens' Advice bureau points out, limited incomes don't go far.