"You are a professional sportsman, you chose this way of life so you do what it takes, " he said bluntly.
He was so deeply regimented in this way of life that it paid off for him time and time again.
The reindeer play a central role in the livelihoods and culture of the indigenous people of the region, the Sami, but this way of life is under pressure, as I saw on a journey in northern Norway earlier this month.
As this way of life naturally dies out and Japanese consumers demand foreign rice after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Mr. Abe has an opportunity to overcome the farmers' political lock on the LDP and clear away the tariffs, subsidies and regulations preventing the consolidation of small farms.
As this way of life naturally dies out and Japanese consumers demand foreign rice after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Mr. Abe has an opportunity to overcome the farmers' political lock on his Liberal Democratic Party and clear away the tariffs, subsidies and regulations preventing more competition in food production and lower prices for consumers.
"This is a battle for a way of life, this is a battle for the people of Louisiana, and we will continue to fight this until all the oil is removed and that the people of Louisiana can go back to their way of living, " he said.
This is simply the way of life in a game that has become big business.
And when an Iron Curtain fell across this continent and our way of life was challenged, it was our first Irish President -- our first Catholic President, John F.
Our biggest health care expense is at the end of life, and well thought out conversations on this topic can go a long way toward improving end of life care and reducing wasteful care.
As individuals, communities, and nations of the world, we must make a conscious declaration to rise above this deliberate act to hijack our way of life and our mindset.
FORBES: After the Boston Marathon Bombing: Trust? Are You Kidding?
And as for groups like Hizb ut-Tahrir that fuel hatred and violence against this country and against our way of life?
And, this way, for the rest of his life -- be it in the fraternity house, his bachelor pad, or his family's home, as he frantically tries to feed his own growing offspring -- when he opens that front door, smiles at the delivery person, and smells the chicken and broccoli in brown sauce, the kid will think of me.
Jack Abramoff, ideologue, lobbyist, and scoundrel, is at the center of this overloaded documentary, by Alex Gibney, about payoffs as a way of life in Washington.
"Exorcism is a way of life" in this northwestern region, he explained in an iReport that documents the daily purification rituals conducted by local faith healers at the Balaji temple.
Celebrating peace, faith and good health through self-mutilation and deprivation, fire, rockets and a general atmosphere of anxiety, this annual event is a fascinating way to see a very real slice of life in Phuket.
This horrific type of interaction has become a way of life for us.
For those who suffered mostly misery in this life, who died as infants or young children, who never really had an opportunity to know true joy or love, the afterlife offered a second chance and a way to address the unfairness of this life.
Robert Laycock, who is taking over as subpostmaster of the post office this week, said the stamps were a tremendous way of celebrating his great uncle's life and achievements.
But whatever this society's genesis, Haas believes its way of life the mounds, sunken plazas, irrigation agriculture, religion eventually spread across South America, like a map unfolding.
One way to do this is to make the life of the company sound believable by not picturing it, for example, as more cohesive and blunder-free than any real firm could be.
Now the race is down to two candidates, will this type of tub thumping give way to a more reasoned debate about whether France can still afford its way of life?
The nexus was this: Ruthie's passage into death revealed a way of life that showed me the way home.
In this way, the saga of the classic New York brownstone that was the stage for much of this iconic movie proves that life does imitate art.
When this inquiry gets under way, it will take on a life of its own.
And this is the surest way to ensure a better life for the people of that country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference
This includes ecology, philosophy and economy, in fact an entire way of life.
UNESCO: Dialogue among civilizations: Address by Alexandre Yakovlev (Russian Federation)