If it's a thorny problem we are assured the Good Lord will resolve what man cannot.
The answer might be almost anything touched with genius and a strange, thorny, dashing humor.
As semiconductors shrink to ever-smaller process geometries, the challenges of manufacturing them become increasingly thorny.
The rising trend of celebrity ambassadors for charities and global outreach is a thorny one.
But the thorny bush took a lot of time and effort to transplant and grow.
Its relations with international rulemakers can be thorny: think of the World Trade Organisation.
Another thorny issue is the UK's annual rebate, which some of its EU partners want scrapped.
Others, such as an exchange of political prisoners for kidnapped soldiers, are thorny but negotiable.
The payment of benefits to top up the income of low-wage workers does raise thorny issues.
Another thorny issue would be trying to raise money for common deposit-insurance and bank-resolution funds.
That mega-deal will have to contend with the thorny issue of who gets control.
His five novels so far have tackled such thorny topics as scientific fraud and male impotence.
But the shake-up demonstrates Mr. Cook's resolve to tackle thorny personnel issues that Mr. Jobs let fester.
Even after relatively big trials, though, the question of exactly which patients will benefit can be thorny.
Firing people in a country that has youth unemployment in excess of 40% is a thorny issue.
Other factors that make "Hatari" particularly thorny to navigate: jangly strumming, jarring cuts, found-sound epilogues, Swahili lyrics.
In the run-up to the 2004 presidential elections, this issue may yet become thorny for Mr Bush.
He will be reluctant to oblige, particularly on the thorny issues of redeployment and (still thornier) Jerusalem.
But the planned takeover raises a number of thorny competition issues, including those of access to programming.
An Apple TV set presents a thorny problem for Apple, one that still has no obvious answers.
FORBES: Sorry, But Tim Cook Didn't Just Announce An Apple TV Set
Despite that thorny relationship, Ferguson will be remembered as an iconic figure in English football history, said Bose.
We'll forget what it's like to flex those dorsal muscles, to consciously decipher a thorny stretch of prose.
WSJ: How E-Readers Change the Way We Read | Head Case by Jonah Lehrer
In mobile Intuit has built 55 apps, teaching it the thorny task of making money from the phone.
There are, however, two thorny issues that will not easily be solved by simply giving regulators more powers.
Privatization would get bureaucrats out of the thorny area of housing finance, but it also creates other concerns.
Speculation over the delay in his appointment has centred on the thorny issue of a director of football.
Meanwhile, the British government has side-stepped the thorny issue of generics in its own report released on November 28th.
Uncertainty may be the path to freedom, but that path is laced with thorny vines and booby-trapped with regret.
That raises all sorts of thorny questions for the brokerage industry at large.
Licensing requirements also get thorny for companies throughout India, which requires separate permission for some individual types of produce.