Those questioned in the research had mixed views on whether the government should subsidise broadband.
Almost nine out of 10 of those questioned said inspectors should be given more time.
Some of those questioned by prosecutors have said the suspects acted on their own initiative.
The survey found 32% of those questioned eat chips or crisps once or twice a week.
Fifty-eight percent of those questioned said they favor increased government spending to stimulate the economy.
Of those questioned in Britain, 53% now say they favour protection to 37% opposing it.
Overall 70% of those questioned said they backed a change in the law, with 16% opposing it.
And many of those questioned said they did not think there were enough female sporting role models.
The poll also said that 52% of those questioned disapproved of the Church's stand against the legislation.
Some 47% of those questioned favoured merging the Games, while 43% said the Paralympics should stay separate.
Nearly 80% of those questioned who thought they would swim when abroad planned to swim in the sea.
Of those questioned, 40% of women would snoop on a partner's e-mails and 60% would look at text messages.
Of those questioned, 83% said it was either very good or mostly good.
Despite this liking for search sites half of those questioned said they could get the same information via other routes.
BBC: Many people stick with one search engine such as Google
Some 40 percent of those questioned said they had been without work for a period of time in the past 3 years.
Of those questioned in the research, more than half under the age of 40 have said they want promotion within three years.
Half of those questioned said the school shootings have not changed their opinions on gun control, down 19 points from January 2011.
The poll also suggests that a majority of those questioned, 58 percent, feel that the president's programs are just about right for the country.
That is the finding of an opinion poll for the BBC, with 82% of those questioned saying they thought activity was carrying on unchanged.
Research by the independent Schools Health Education Unit suggested that 4% of those questioned aged 12 or 13 claimed they drank 28 units or more.
In a poll released on July 9th by Termometro Politico, a website, 72% of those questioned said they would never vote for Mr Berlusconi again.
GPs are aware there are problems in identifying ovarian cancer, and 93% of those questioned acknowledged that women often experienced a delay in getting a diagnosis.
Although 75% of those questioned felt the gap between rich and poor was too large, only 35% believed the government should do more to redistribute income.
In a study carried out in the 1970s, 80% of those questioned at a leading American hospital gave the wrong answer, most of them saying 95%.
At the other end of the scale, in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, it was seen as a positive force by more than 90% of those questioned.
And 54 percent of those questioned would not trust Blair "as far as they could throw him, " compared with 41 percent who said they did trust him.
Almost three quarters of those questioned said they would struggle to apply for a job online, with 28% saying they could complete an online application on their own.
Nearly two-thirds of those questioned said the United States would never return to normal, while 30 percent said eventually, things would go back to the way they were.
CNN: Poll: Few Americans think U.S. is winning war on terror
The survey for the MCC and the Cricket Foundation charity found as many as one in 20 of those questioned said they were proud to have arrived at victory dishonestly.
In Ireland, the results were that 47 percent of those questioned think of themselves as religious, a 22 percentage-point drop since the question was last asked just seven years ago.