Estrada has offered to meet former presidents Aquino and Ramos to thrash out differences.
But it's not just a case of there being too little time to thrash out an agreement.
Take both parties aside because you don't want to thrash out a personal conflict among the cubicles.
Meanwhile, eurozone finance ministers are due to meet on Friday to thrash out a bailout plan for Cyprus.
The National Union of Students (NUS) has said students must be a priority as universities "thrash out" details.
Union contracts, he notes, can take a year or more to thrash out.
The big producers, along with some of their non-OPEC friends, need to sit down and thrash out production levels and pricing.
CBS, to allow their material to appear on its site, and had been trying to thrash out a similar agreement with Viacom.
The two sides were supposed to meet face-to-face in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to thrash out a deal on these issues.
Defender Kirk Broadfoot signed a new three-year deal earlier this week, but skipper David Weir has yet to thrash out a contract extension.
In a statement, the firm said consultations are now being extended until February, as unions and staff attempt to thrash out redundancy terms.
Meanwhile, with the pressures on them suspended, Hamas and Fatah would have a year to thrash out a deal on a joint government.
ECONOMIST: Moderates and rejectionists: The Palestinian test case | The
The Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson has prepared the way for success by touring all EU capitals to co-ordinate views and thrash out ideas.
The RFU is trying to thrash out a strategic plan leading through the Six Nations and targeting a successful World Cup defence in 2007.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | English | Bath vow to keep England players
It was recognised that the market had been made less liquid by the time and expense needed to thrash out the details of most deals.
The convention was supposed to thrash out all the most controversial issues so that the ministerial summit could reach a final agreement quickly and without punch-ups.
The problem is an amendment that Mr Byrd tacked on to this year's agriculture-appropriations bill in the committee to thrash out differences between the House and Senate.
They decided an inquiry was needed to thrash out the implications of what was happening but could not decide who should sit on the panel or give evidence.
Under this, the Bank of England has traditionally rounded up the creditors of troubled British firms to thrash out a restructuring, without the need for formal bankruptcy proceedings.
Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling are due to meet representatives from the Treasury, the Bank of England and several financial institutions in a bid to thrash out a deal.
House Republicans are meeting privately with the governor to thrash out a joint electoral plan, which is unprecedented for someone who has not yet formally declared himself a candidate.
On September 13th, he and the foreign ministers of the other four permanent members of the United Nations Security Council will meet in Geneva to thrash out a new resolution.
ECONOMIST: The diplomatic front: In search of a new resolution | The
Mr. Sarkozy has often talked about imitating the German model and earlier this year invited labor unions and business leaders to sit down to thrash out a similar path for France.
Nothing will change before the election, and there is probably not enough time after it and before the end of the year for lawmakers to thrash out a proper budget deal.
It will thrash out problems caused when the British government takes a decision which affects something which is the assemblies' responsibility, and will discuss the treatment of devolved matters in different parts of Britain.
There is still a sizeable camp of senior people in Brussels who would dearly like to use the upcoming summit on October 29th and 30th to thrash out names for the next generation of EU bosses.
Dr Arias said it was looking increasingly likely that leap seconds may be voted out in January, but that the meeting at the Royal Society could help to thrash out ideas that could offset any problems this loss could cause.
The manager will thrash things out and we will get things off our chest.
You and your lawyers want to thrash this out, case by case, fighting a trench-warfare, rear-guard action?