That includes three-quarters of Republicans, nine in 10 Democrats and more than eight in 10 independents.
Season two required 106 shooting days, three-quarters of which involved two crews working simultaneously.
More than three-quarters of the people who live in the state were born there, he noted.
OKINAWA, Japan's most southerly and poorest prefecture, is home to three-quarters of the country's American bases.
About three-quarters of the food, fuel and other provisions that supply American troops pass through Pakistan.
In the small rehabilitated zone around Kotkai, military leaders say three-quarters of residents have returned.
WSJ: In Former Taliban Sanctuary, an Eerie Silence Takes Over
Results showed both methods got it right around two-thirds to three-quarters of the time.
Gay and bisexual men and people in African communities make up three-quarters of cases.
These events have an average profit margin of 83% and account for nearly three-quarters of contributions.
More than three-quarters of those taking part in Sunday's race are raising money for charity.
In all, it is three-quarters of an hour before the youthful Bilbo departs, adventure-bound.
Typically, the break-out move begins about two-thirds to three-quarters of the way down the pendant.
FORBES: Are Technicals Signaling A Time To Buy? We Think Yes
Last year, three-quarters of production went toward the country's shipbuilding, automobile, construction and electronics industries.
Three-quarters of United Breweries' remaining stake is pledged with lenders, meaning that could be sold too.
WSJ: India's Kingfisher Airlines Comes Under More Pressure From Banks
Three-quarters of the money in the pool is divided equally among all 30 clubs.
They also have an impressive 16, 000 season-ticket holders, which is almost three-quarters of their stadium's capacity.
Pell Grants once covered more than three-quarters of the cost of going to college.
The Supreme Court has been deliberating in a temple of marble for three-quarters of a century.
Helena claims that three-quarters of Brazil's youth are idle - no jobs, no schooling.
Almost three-quarters of men are obese, compared to fewer than two-thirds of women.
The country is especially critical for platinum supplies, accounting for some three-quarters of annual mine production.
FORBES: Platinum Prices Soar To Five-Month High As South African Labor Issues Escalate
Almost three-quarters of all video game consoles are sold during the year-end holiday season.
More than three-quarters of the retail market has signed up, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said.
An estimated 80, 000 people were murdered by the Nazis in Majdanek, three-quarters of them Jews.
Emerging economies accounted for around three-quarters of global growth over the past 18 months.
At the moment they get more than three-quarters of their revenues from central government.
And yet the European parliament says a full three-quarters of big appliances must be recycled.
Construction is a favourite, accounting for three-quarters of recent private Chinese investment in Africa.
Right now, three-quarters of the fastest-growing occupations require more than a high school diploma.
Overall, three-quarters of the people with a medically-related bankruptcy had health insurance, they say.
CNN: Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies