Mrs Evans said the Polish couple had been together for eight years and moved to England in search of a "good life", setting up home in the three-storey house in Hemel Hempstead.
Local police chief Proloy Chisim confirmed that Shakib's mother and sister were inside the three-storey house in the western district town of Magura when several motor-cycle riders stopped outside and threw stones.
Mrs Evans had told the jury the Polish couple had been together for eight years and moved to England in search of a "good life", setting up home in the three-storey house in Hemel Hempstead.
Daniel, the defendant's son from a previous marriage, was living with his father and stepmother at the three-storey town house along with the couple's two daughters, aged eight and six, and Ms Jakubszyk's cousin.
Mr Liptrot, owner of the three-storey semi-detached house, told the jury that a month before the fire he had given Ms Smith notice to leave the property.
This contemporary three-storey hotel is known for its breezy indoor-outdoor public areas and spectacular views of the Sydney Opera House through floor-to-ceiling windows and balconies.