Losers were led by Bajaj Auto, maker of two- and three-wheel vehicles, down 7.4% despite a jump in sales for December.
Today, sitting abandoned in the field, is the smashed-up silver van, and next to it a small, red, three-wheel car which belonged to his father.
One of them, Yusuf, drives an autorickshaw, a three-wheel taxi.
And because of its low price and icon status, Tata's new model should also swipe customers from Hero Honda and other two- and three-wheel manufacturers like Bajaj Auto and TVS Motor.
The town, which buzzes during the day with tourists catching trains to and from Aguas Calientes, is hushed at night, with locals peddling three-wheel motorcycle rickshaw taxis, transporting weary walkers the few blocks to their destination.
Inside, the cockpit is clearly oriented toward the driver, with a racing-inspired three-spoke steering wheel, a steel bar and metal cage for the shifter, and burnished metal flourishes throughout.
Three abrupt jerks of the Netflix steering wheel in three months quickly have trained shell-shocked customers and investors to not trust what the company says or where it is heading.
When adapted to all-wheel drive, all three companies have kept that rear-drive feel as the default--only when the rear wheels slip does power get sent forward to the front tires.
On the interface side, the phones are much more responsive to S60's new motion and transitions, but Nokia has oddly chosen to disable the Navi Wheel scrolling in all three phones -- a weird move, but we can't say we blame them, we haven't had a single good experience with Navi Wheel since Nokia introduced it.
The injury is a bit more common in open-wheel racing, which has had three incidents of drivers breaking their backs since 2009.
Lexus-characteristic L-shaped combination lamps feature a layered, strongly three-dimensional design, and the lower, concave bumper section incorporates a full width spoiler to further enhance rear-wheel drive traction.
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All three PRUMIE models come with the increasingly-standard multi-direction scroll wheel -- meaning that it scrolls both up and down as well as side-to-side -- and in order to combat the dreaded issue of mis-scrolling, the mice come with a "tilt guard" to prevent accidental left and right clicks.
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At the wheel is a former British Special Air Service soldier, squiring three clipboard-toting engineers from Bechtel Group.