• Johnson missed just three greens in regulation during his double round and he carded only three bogeys in 36 holes.

    CNN: January 8, 2013 -- Updated 1648 GMT (0048 HKT)

  • Drummond, ranked 717th in the world, birdied four consecutive holes from the third, and then made amends for a bogey at 14 by picking up shots at his next three greens to finish on 64.

    CNN: Barham blasts to early lead in Austrian Open

  • The Lib Dems have four seats in the authority while the Greens have three.

    BBC: Tories and Labour tie GLA count

  • The Greens and three independents have pledged Ms Gillard the votes to get the plan through parliament later this year.

    ECONOMIST: The prime minister stakes her future on a divisive scheme

  • The greens make three arguments.

    ECONOMIST: Greens v genes

  • That could lead either to a three-party combination (the Greens and Free Democrats plus one of the big parties) or, more likely, to yet another unloved grand coalition.

    ECONOMIST: Germany's state elections

  • The Conservatives now hold 26 seats, Labour have 22, the Lib Dems have nine, the Greens have two and there are three independents.

    BBC: Warwickshire elections 2013: Conservatives lose control

  • The new coalition is an odd-looking assortment of Christian Democrats and free-market liberals of the Democratic Union, plus a gaggle of Greens (themselves a front of three separate parties), conservatives and social democrats.

    ECONOMIST: Slovakia

  • Take its namesake dish: one long marrow-filled bone, topped with briny dollops of sea urchin and Meyer-lemon aioli, a one-two-three punch of umami, balanced by baby celery greens and crispy cubelets of potato.

    NEWYORKER: The Marrow

  • Already, the number of parties in the Bundestag has risen from three to five, with the entry of the Greens in 1983 and, following unification in 1990, of the populist Left Party, heirs to East Germany's communists.

    ECONOMIST: Jitters over the decline of the Volksparteien

  • Factor-in the latest opinion polls suggesting a further turning-away from from the three biggest parties and you can see why UKIP and the Greens are being touted as the 'None of the Above' parties: the Liberal Democrats, so often beneficiaries of protest votes in the past, are now a party of government, so definitely 'One of the Above'!

    BBC: HS2 spells double trouble in next week's council poll

  • His Social Democrats and their most likely partners, the Greens, would have to win a Bundestag majority against the three parties of Helmut Kohl's present centre-right coalition plus the Party of Democratic Socialism.

    ECONOMIST: Reds at the ready | The

  • The latest opinion polls suggest the Greens might get as much as 10% of the vote, three times their score last time.

    ECONOMIST: Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Europe��s provocative Green

  • So, as well as the three main UK parties, that means the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists, the Greens, UKIP, the Scottish Socialists, Respect, plus the Northern Ireland parties, will all be on Question Time, to a greater or lesser extent.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • In considering the well-trapped and slick greens of Winged Foot, Casper took the opposite approach on the 215-yard par-three third hole.

    WSJ: Billy Casper, Standing in the Shadow of Legends | Golf Journal

  • Given the continuing strength of the Greens, any future government (other than another grand coalition) will probably have to embrace three parties, not two.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • Meanwhile there are a number of local battles with smaller parties like the Greens and the anti-EU UK Independence Party fighting hard to capitalise on disillusion with the big three parties.

    BBC: Analysis

  • With three sides of Home Park now redeveloped, providing a capacity of just over 20, 000 - and with the Greens in the second highest division in English football - Argyle had probably never had it so good.

    BBC: Devon - History of Plymouth Argyle FC

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