What pulses through the book, above all, is the author's love of China and of the Chinese people, whose extraordinary vitality is only now being released.
The rich world should concentrate, he argues, not on throwing aid at Africa, whether in budget support or projects, but on taking measures to encourage growth, above all through improving trade.
Above all technology, through the Internet, the cash-machine or even the humble telephone, is offering simpler and cheaper ways for customers to do their banking.
Visits to all of the above can be arranged through the Sablayan Municipal Ecotourism Office.
We have learned to expect such dreary reductionism from the dwindling bands of committed partisans, but newspapers are supposed to be above all that, bravely rooting through the muck of rhetoric to find truffles of truth.
In every month from March through July, all (or all but one) states are above their annual average in search traffic.
As we were navigating through these narrow areas with power lines and all kinds of obstructions above and below us, we suddenly heard faint screams coming from homes.
With our client above, the change took 7 months to filter through all remote offices.
FORBES: Why Resisting Change Isn't A Bad Thing: The Social Change Adoption Path
Through their faith, Mormons tend to inherit many quintessentially conservative values, above all an attachment to the family.
Above all, their proprietor editors have the will to battle through.
The stock showed a positive technical divergence to the market yesterday by holding above its recent pivot low, while the indices all broke down through recent ranges.
FORBES: Wal-Mart And Jobless Claims Weigh On Stocks, Apple Stabilizes
Just above that is a gold speaker grille and below, the familiar trackball for navigating through all of those work emails with ease.
As with cholesterol, inflammation should be managed through all the steps that you already know about: maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, quitting smoking, and above all, eating healthy.
The Award recognises the efforts of young designers from UNESCO Creative Cities and Hong Kong, who, through their creativity, have contributed to the enhancement of environmental sustainability, social and economic development, and, above all, quality of lives in cities.