His comments come as President Obama is pressing Congress to push through a comprehensive bill to reformthe nation's ailing health care system this year.
Whatever the president calls it, all this constitutes major change to immigration policy right at the very time the country is trying to work throughcomprehensivereform.
The Republican nominee also accused Mr. Obama of not following through on a promise to enact a comprehensivereform proposal during his four years in the White House.
And because of its recent failure to push through a comprehensive tax-reform package, he says, the government will have to rely on selling state assets and issuing bonds to balance its books.
Everyone understands the need for comprehensive immigration reform, but rather than working this through patiently, Obama last year issued executive orders to get the ball rolling.
The way to fix our broken immigration system is through common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform. (Applause.) That means responsibility from government to secure our borders, something we have done and will continue to do.