It is time for the 22nd district to pass through the fog of these embarrassing scandals.
Through the fog of battle, some surprising points of common ground between the two main parties can be glimpsed.
Seventy-five thousand tons dead-weight rushing through the fog at the rate of fifty feet per second, had hurled itself at an iceberg.
" Through the fog, Costa began to see his options: "So if I got divorced it would be a different matter?
These increasingly frequent exercises are like faint wake-up calls pushing through the fog of sleep for a large population that registers for desktop and mobile apps.
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The strategy is to use words not to pierce through the fog of voices and sounds in which we all live, but to add to the fog.
University of Chicago economist John Cochrane sees through the fog.
But this entire regulatory system broke down when the rating agencies were seduced into going along with the fashionable, subprime mortgage mania, failing to see through the fog of the housing bubble, which was their job.
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Pointed toward his 18-acre compound in Marin County, California, Sean Parker rips through the night fog on the Golden Gate Bridge in a stealthy Audi S6 that masks a Lamborghini engine, one pale hand on the wheel, the other toggling through thousands of songs uploaded on the car's sound system.
Hopefully, the next year can provide clarity and allow the baseball writers to sift through the dense fog that is performance enhancing substances with the proper knowledge and tools.
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Because through the dust and the din and the fog of war, the glory of your service always shone through.
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My body strongly wanted to be at home, underneath a blanket and two warm cats, instead of wandering through icy fog in the wilderness.
Its two towers rise high above the city at the end of busy Sheikh Zayed Road, offering unimpeded views of the new Burj Khalifa tower (breathtaking as it peaks through the clouds in early morning fog).
The first time we go to Sea Cliff, where Alice lives, she points up a hill at fog sneaking through the eucalyptus trees and says that her old school is up there: an all-girls school that her little sisters go to now.
Finally, eight or nine hours after the men had fallen behind the fleet, the Farley appeared through a wall of fog and rescued them.
All the same, it was Mr Subramaniam who got the wheat growing, skilfully guiding the project through India's political and bureaucratic fog.
Whether Chinese strategists have something useful to contribute analytically by looking through the lens of Sun Tzu or whether they have deluded themselves into accepting the capacity of information power to lift the fog of war remains to be seen.
Those on the gridiron tough it out through anything Mother Nature brings, from rain, snow and fog to extreme temperatures.
The Indian capital, Delhi, has shivered through its coldest day for 44 years, with dense fog causing travel chaos.
If the landscape filled up with rain, leaves, fog, or snow, we continued to move through it as fast as we could, not fearing what might now be concealed.