Throughout the history of the program, only one Brazilian project had been approved, in 2003.
Throughout the history of the AAII Sentiment Survey, we rarely see bearish sentiment exceed 50% for two consecutive weeks.
Throughout the history of the technology industry, one co-founder often plays an outsized role in the success of their companies.
The waters were then enjoyed by the Celts, Romans, Saxons and Georgians and are the constant thread throughout the history of Bath.
And then the fairness issue, throughout the history of conscription in this country, finds situations in which groups like women might well be included.
Throughout the history of the survey, we have seen the spread rise above 40 (high levels of optimism) and fall below -30 (high levels of pessimism).
Our trophies, the awards we have received throughout the history of the federation, pictures of witnesses of our glorious years were not found in the rubble.
There were moments, as there were throughout the history of the church, when the seas were rough and the wind blew against us and it seemed the Lord was sleeping.
People have pursued that throughout the history of civilization.
And, basically, the interpretation in the vast majority of these cases - I think we're running up around 60 of these throughout the history of this privilege, since the - after the second World War.
Consistent with the theme throughout our history to Aspire, Transform and Sustain, the individuals residing at A Safe Haven aspire for a stable lifestyle, transform through adult education courses and job skills training programs, and gain the confidence and skills to sustain employment and housing that allows them to support themselves and their families.
Throughout modern history the middle class has been a vehicle for stability and growth.
Throughout history the ability to communicate has supercharged our rate of innovation, has boosted our collective intelligence, and has worked to expand our individual freedoms and capabilities.
Throughout history, the development of mankind has been intimately linked to the natural history and the resources of our planet.
If one were to graph the pace of technological breakthroughs and resulting business structure changes and wealth creation throughout history, the graph would include little spikes to include the high points of Mesopotamian agriculture, Egyptian construction, Chinese paper, Athenian education, Roman roads and aqueducts, and so on.
Hence, the great westward migrations throughout our history, not to mention the mass movement of African-Americans from the South to the North and, more recently, that of Latinos throughout the country.
And so is our pride in the lasting contributions that Hispanics have made to America throughout our history, including the men and women who join us here tonight.
"This is a great day in the history of animal conservation throughout the world and we are proud of the achievement, " Assam's chief wildlife warden MC Malakar said.
Just as your forbearers enriched the arts and sciences throughout history, all nations would benefit from the talents and creativity of the Iranian people, especially your young people.
Throughout history, the advice of leading pianists has led to many important improvements to the instrument.
Throughout its history, the school, which has one classroom, has frequently shut when numbers dwindled.
Both president and Congress have unapologetically used their powers to mould the court throughout American history.
Throughout history, the transfer of papal power has almost always happened after the sitting pope has died.
CNN: Cardinals meet Monday; could set date to elect new pope
Even a cursory look at the data throughout economic history proves that inflation is a destroyer of jobs.
Perhaps Mr Saleh has succeeded in achieving the unity that has eluded Yemen's leaders throughout the country's history.
One final note: Analyzing the teams throughout baseball history considers only one factor--winning.
Throughout its history in the United States, the brand has had trouble breaking out of a narrow band of sales.
Throughout history, the power of a nation has been cast in terms of the size and competence of its armed forces.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Mackenzie Eaglen: The Disaster of Defense Budget Cuts
Throughout its history with the NFL, Gatorade has continued to grow its presence as a staple product relied upon by NFL players.
Throughout their history, the Jesuits have enjoyed a reputation for their intellectual acuity and have played a leading role in Catholic education.