"I've never seen people throw down or get into a fight, " said the Rev.
Successful businesswoman shy to throw down and take their seat at the table.
While Nevada bettors can't legally throw down money on the Oscars, they still enjoy seeing the odds, Avello says.
Instead, Mr. Bush's only hope of realizing his goal of defending America against missile attack is to throw down the gauntlet.
But a repeal vote would throw down the gauntlet and demonstrate the current mood in the House, which reflects the country as a whole.
Three years ago, Schwarzenegger appeared to throw down the gauntlet, saying the union was an obstacle to his efforts to reform the state's prisons department.
While sales of less expensive homes struggle to manifest under ever-tightening mortgage lending practices, the luxury end is comprised of home buyers with money to throw down.
The mortgage approval vetting process, the redundant documentation and verification requirements, and the proof-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt underwriting environment that is now the standard playbook in the mortgage lending universe far exceeds any rules the government could ever throw down.
Even if, against all odds, the Security Council does throw down the gauntlet to Saddam, he is virtually certain to allow intrusive inspections to resume rather than giving the U.S. a pretext for internationally supported action against him.
Second, even if, against all odds, the Security Council does throw down the gauntlet to Saddam, he is virtually certain to allow intrusive inspections to resume rather than giving the U.S. a pretext for internationally supported action against him.
It's just IHOP, an acronym that throws its pancake heritage on to the ash heap of pancakery just so we can throw down to tilapia hollandaise in a place that's not exclusively a house of carbohydrate gorging of global proportions.
For its part, Lenovo once again trotted out the limited-run Reserve Editions laptops -- those 5, 000 French leather-clad X61s's -- and reiterated its commitment to post-sale doting over the select few folks willing to throw down five grand for the privilege.
ENGADGET: Lenovo celebrates 15 years of Thinkpad, "uncorks" Reserve Edition
That changes if you throw down even more money on a 5760 x 1080 triple-display rig, in which case NVIDIA takes the lead in some games, but loses in others -- leaving the two rivals closer than the single-card reviews we looked at yesterday.
ENGADGET: NVIDIA's GTX 680 tested in SLI and multi-display modes, loses some of its lead
The Surface tablet, Redmond's first spawn in that category, is a bold throw-down by itself.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Turning point for the tortoise and the hare
Five years ago, they decided that one way they could spice up the idea flow was to invite some of the smartest tinkers and thinkers they knew for a throw-down of ideas.
Thankfully, President Bush's stirring throw-down-the-gauntlet speech in August at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention and his surprise visit to Iraq in September demonstrate that the Commander in Chief has no intention of undercutting our newfound successes in Iraq.
Racing clear down the left from Jaaskelainen's throw, he bore down on goal but, with only Carson to beat, he clipped his shot wide of the near post.
We don't know what the world is going to throw at us down the road.
"I think he started to take a little more time and throw his pitches down, " Cervelli said.
Witness Marianne Drummond said she saw the cyclist pass Mr Phillips, then throw the bike down and run up towards him.
BBC: Norwich man William Phillips died 'after row with cyclist'
It says that the investments they plan to make are essential to growth and even survival, and that they are willing to throw the investment gauntlet down now, rather than later.
If you are the quarterback for New England Patriots and you are giving Wes Welker feedback for his route running, you would say that your shortened running of the route caused me to need to throw the ball shorter down the field than expected which brought additional defenders to the play.
On the football field this translates into a run up the middle on third down with less than two minutes in the game instead of a quick throw by Manning for the first down.
FORBES: How the Broncos Playoff Loss Compares to Running a Start-Up
That helps build confidence, getting to the free throw line and knocking them down.
Then throw a sickie and bed down for the day, where all you need to think about is how to pamper yourself next.
Commercial real estate loan defaults did rise along with residential defaults, but the commercial sector never went down enough to throw the financial system into crisis.
He coached Jackie in the art of pitching when she was eight years old and even showed her his trademark "drop pitch, " a dazzling throw in which the ball swooped down just before crossing the plate.
Would they go down with me, or throw me overboard to save themselves?
You know, like a throw twenty to twenty-five yards down the field.