While tablets are built and promoted as PC alternatives, consumers think that smartphones are throwaway devices.
The hab its of conservation-minded Germans contrasted with the wasteful, throwaway culture she knew.
Of course there are plenty of companies making simple throwaway tests for pregnancy, strep throat and so on.
This year, like every year in distant memory, I dutifully put on the plastic throwaway glasses to watch vertiginous 3D presentations.
Defra hopes that the firms' desire to be perceived to be green will influence them to reduce the use of throwaway bags.
It has something to do with the fact that consumers perceive all three products to be good value--and very similar throwaway commodities.
Hence always consider the initial draft title as a second-best throwaway title.
For all its vacillation between horrible and hilarious, there's something about "Pretty on the Inside" that rescues the song from throwaway silliness.
This is not merely a throwaway suggestion in the last chapter, however.
This stunning transition from terminal decay to resplendent rebirth could easily be called a miracle in a city known for its throwaway architecture and tradition.
He was a devotee of beauty and had given over his life to art with the degree of throwaway fanaticism that entails a horror of self-importance.
So was his playing down of the Taliban threat a foolish throwaway line, which reflected the brigadier's personal view rather than the consensus among the British military?
ECONOMIST: The marine commander who was too honest for his own good
The problem with that safeguard: a shady industry of passport fraud has sprouted to provide those cybercriminals with throwaway identities, offering both digital scans and physical passport look-a-likes.
But fashion has become a pacemaker of the throwaway society.
But that looks optimistic as pressure groups have made the throwaway bag a symbol of the throwaway society and even the Daily Mail is campaigning to get them banned.
He added that what began with a throwaway comment took on a life of its own with the teachers practising secretly after school so the pupils did not find out.
Mr Jones suspected this is what happened as many of the email addresses exposed were for throwaway mail sites or for services that did a bad job of protecting archived messages.
Instead of sending messages to one another and creating an email trail, they had a shared throwaway account and would pass messages along to one another using the draft function.
Pacino's looking his age at last, but it suits his world-weary Dormer to a tee, Hilary Swank makes good use of what would be a throwaway support role in any other thriller, and Robin Williams?
Released internationally in 2008 and stateside in January 2009, Taken was seen as the kind of throwaway action movie that gets slotted in the slow early months of the year with little in the way of box-office expectations.
Most of us own more clothing than we know what to do with, so I encourage people to first of all buy less clothing and to try to limit trendy, throwaway purchases to only one or two a season.
That X is your default throwaway descriptor, and it is in your interests to make sure that it is something you would like it to be, because that is what people will default to in their description of you.
And one of the problems potentially with this new oil initiative is that it might turn out to just be kind of a throwaway and that he won't put behind it the kind of energy he did his social security reform plan.
For all its brisk, brightly glowing hooks, "Don't Stop Now" is no throwaway, as Finn searches for inspiration ("Give me something I can write about") when he's not clinging to any emotional investment he can find ("Give me something I can cry about").
No one involved in the creation of "Love Me Do" or "Dr. No" would have expected that either would be anything more than quick money spinners -- a throwaway two-minute pop song and a low-budget adaptation of a cheap paperback attempting to cash in on the Cold War appetite for espionage thrillers.
CNN: Beatles and Bond: Half a century on, can we now let them be?